Student sat on the floor working on a project

Business & Marketing BSc(Hons) (Online)

Become a skilled, confident, business and marketing professional.

Key details
Course duration
2 years / 3 years
Full-time / Part-time
UCAS code
N192 (full-time)

Course overview

Discover what it takes to build products, services, campaigns and brands. On this online degree, you’ll develop as a skilled, confident and ethical business and marketing professional, working with expert tutors to develop a future-focused toolkit for a head start in the world of business.

You’ll learn about digital marketing, market research, data analysis, brand development, leadership and strategic operations – all underpinned by a focus on civic responsibility and corporate sustainability. 

Why study this course at Falmouth?

  • Join a global community of practitioners and collaborate across disciplines in response to industry briefs, gaining diverse knowledge and perspectives. 
  • Be supported to develop leadership skills and build a network of contacts, ready to launch your career. 
  • Tap into Falmouth’s renowned entrepreneurial environment from your own location on a course designed specifically for online delivery. 
  • Tackle ethical issues such as sustainable practice and individual wellbeing in business.

Business & Marketing BSc(Hons) (Online) is accredited by the leading professional marketing body for marketers, The Chartered Institute of Marketing (CIM). This means students who successfully complete the full undergraduate degree are part-accredited for qualifications CIM offers professional marketing practitioners.

CIM accreditation logo

Course details

Learn how to build real brand value in an ever-evolving consumer marketplace on this online degree. You’ll gain a strategic understanding of professional and commercial contexts, business operations, marketing techniques and ethical approaches within industry. 

You’ll learn to carry out effective research and how to interpret data, enabling you to make informed business and marketing decisions. You’ll reflect on your own strengths and weaknesses in a variety of business scenarios.

Honing your project management abilities on website design, event promotion activities and social action plans, you’ll also develop your critical reflection, problem-solving, team-working and leadership skills. 

Course study options

On this accelerated online Business and Marketing degree, you’ll have the opportunity to gain a BA(Hons) degree over two years full-time or three years part-time. 

From module information to course aims and assessment criteria, discover the full course details:

Learn the foundations of marketing and develop key business skills. In stage one, you’ll consider wellbeing and sustainability and develop a set of skills and attributes relevant to professional practice. You’ll also work on a website project as part of a team. 


Wellbeing & Professional Development

Wellbeing is connected to organisational management and wider aspects of customer satisfaction as well as being fundamental to our own mental, emotional and physical health. 

Within this module you will explore a range of general and sector specific ‘real world’ skills that relate to your personalised goals and preparation for business. You will also address the importance of wellbeing within an organisation for employees and customers, making the link to HR practices and, crucially, you will explore the importance of wellbeing for your own personal and professional development and carry out a skills audit. 

Introduction to Market Research & Marketing

In this module you will gain working knowledge of robust market research methods and learn to clearly interpret market research examples from the real world. You will be introduced to components and types of market research, including primary and secondary modes, and learn how to segment markets and analyse trends, as well as trying out different analytic methods. 

Upon completing this module, you’ll have a firm grasp of how to use market data to develop marketing strategies and to design internal processes to respond to the market. You will be able to distinguish and discuss a range of marketing techniques including the use of social media influencers, user generated content and second screen advertising. Within the module you will carry out your own market research project and devise a marketing plan for a client. 

Sustainable Practice

Within this module you will be introduced to a range of frameworks to consider environmental, social and economic sustainability including the UN Sustainable Development Goals.  

You will be encouraged to develop a holistic view of sustainable practices, exploring the huge benefits that taking proactive action can bring, as well as the, sometimes, devastating effects of unsustainable practice. You will consider sustainability related issues that you are likely to face within your career and use these to inform a personal sustainability plan. You will also audit examples of best practice to inform and justify proposals within your plan.

Web Design Project

In this module you will be introduced to the principles of web design, looking at user experience, information and content architecture, as well as visual aesthetics. You will work as a team in response to a business brief to recommend a web design concept and project plan to the client. 

You will also gain an understanding of the development and build process, from concept to Minimum Viable Product (MVP) and continual development, as well as looking at the practicalities of deploying a digital platform. 

As part of the website project, you will consider aspects of project management including; developing a management plan, monitoring progress, managing risk, building and maintaining relationships, managing resources, developing and managing the budget and managing communications.    

At stage two, you’ll dig into data analysis, explore audience behaviour and consider brand-building principles. You’ll focus on strategy and B2B marketing, while delivering a collaboration project with students from other Falmouth courses and a separate digital marketing project. 


Datalab, Decision Making & Consumer Behaviour

In this module you will also build knowledge of cultural contexts for Big Data, examples of how data is a resource and a product, considerations for mitigating risks associated with privacy and data ethics. 

You will explore the relationships among psychology, sociology, culture, environment and experience in shaping consumer behaviour. You will familiarise yourself with aspects of, and factors in, consumer behaviour and decision-making relevant to outward-facing aspects of business including product development, branding and sales. You will engage with customer experience, building insight to understand why customers behave as they do,  based on wide-ranging theory and data from real-world scenarios. 

You will look at data in relation to marketing as well as project parameters, e.g., everyday business analytics used to track progress and make decisions; you will also use limited datasets to project hypotheses, exploring how data can help us effectively ‘futurecast’ in many scenarios, and will also critically assess the limitations of data-based forecasting. You will examine the effects of data on business models, product development, and customer engagement, and think critically about data. 

Intelligent Brand Building

In this module you will develop a foundation in the traditional and emerging principles of brand management, responsive to a rapidly changing marketplace.  

You will use data intelligence to understand your audience and emotional intelligence in how you seek to engage people with your brand.  

You will develop understanding of the key elements of branding and brand identity, learn to distinguish product identity and personal brand in relation to larger company and corporate branding, gain knowledge of the functions of brand assets and measures of brand value, and build practical skills for reinforcing brand through brand communication in a variety of forms.   

B2B & Marketing in Digital Environments

You will build knowledge that will enable you to engage strategically and professionally with businesses-as-clients in a variety of industries and to create, implement and evaluate a digital marketing event for a client as part of a team. 

You will also strategically plan online networking activities that will help you to find and engage B2B (business to business) audiences. You will consider B2B event impacts and gain skills used in sustainable digital event management, while further developing your digital marketing skills, exploring a range of sustainable event management strategies and techniques. 


Working as part of a team, you’ll work on ‘Challenge Briefs’ that reflect the sort of assignments you could expect to be working on in industry. Developing your ‘soft skills’, like communication, problem-solving, critical thinking and leadership, you’ll sharpen your ability to work well as part of a group to produce outstanding work. 

You’ll gain knowledge of leadership and develop your entrepreneurial skillset. You’ll research, devise and deliver a final digital marketing project as the culmination of your learning. 


The Arts of Strategy & Ethical Leadership

You will develop a context-driven understanding of strategy, learn to employ several strategic practices and showcase your ethical leadership attributes.  

In this module you will learn to think strategically about business objectives, engaging with a number of strategic approaches and frameworks, and distilling a set of principles that will serve you in reaching your objectives in a multitude of business contexts.  

You’ll critically consider different perspectives and theories on leadership practice. You’ll apply your learning around strategy to a specific case study, demonstrating a context-rich and carefully reasoned approach to problem-solving in response to a specific challenge. You will consider leadership styles and relate ethical leadership to your own practice in an essay. 

Future Skills

 You will acquire the personal entrepreneurial capacities to deal with growing levels of uncertainty and complexity in the labour market. You will develop your skills and entrepreneurial mindset; learning skills and gaining knowledge that is equally applicable to setting up your own business, establishing yourself as a freelancer or for use as an employee in a business or organisation.  

Throughout this module you will further develop your goals, values and attributes and explore options available to you. You will be immersed in practical learning and consolidate this learning through reflection and the ability to translate their skills for an external context. 

Social Action Business Plan

You will work in a team to research and design a business plan for a not-for-profit entity. Through negotiation, you will propose and agree a suitable focus and approach. To address the brief, you will need to justify the correct legal entity and commercial potential and produce a budget for the first stage of activity.  

You will develop your previous learning around theoretical and live project work, defending your decisions and creative approaches. You will also further develop your practice around setting and measuring objectives, negotiation, contract law and other legal considerations, business planning, evaluating quality/impacts and critically reflecting on your role within a live project. 

Final Project

You will work individually to select a business or marketing related topic, potentially linked to your career development goals. You will then professionally address important aspects of the topic, including those relating to sustainability, within an extended research project. 

You will gain enhanced research skills. The approach means that you can add to an existing body of knowledge and potentially identify a commercial opportunity in your chosen field. You may choose to build on your networks to support the development of your work. You will be supported by a research project supervisor who will help guide you through the research process and act as a sounding board for your thoughts, planned approaches, ideas and insights

As part of our process of continuous improvement, we routinely review course content to ensure that all our students benefit from a high-quality and rewarding academic experience. As such, there may be some changes made to your course which are not immediately reflected in the content displayed on our website. Any students affected will be informed of any changes made directly.

Resources and Support

  • Dedicated easy-to-use virtual learning environment (VLE)
  • Accessible online audio / visual content
  • A Student Advisor to support you throughout your studies and access to our Student Support Services
  • Access to our Employability Service
  • 24/7 access to Falmouth's extensive online library of contextual books, journals and resources
  • Access to online software tutorials at LinkedIn Learning
  • Students' Union community
  • Optional in-person events
  • Invitation to attend alumni events

Although online students don't have access to on-campus facilities as part of the course, you can hire equipment and access facilities by paying a charge. Find out more about availability and prices here.

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Parents & Carers Guide to Online Study

See how you can support a student considering an online degree at Falmouth.  

Parents & Carers Guide to Online Study
Francisco Romera headshot
Francisco Romera

Meet your course leader, Dr Francisco Romera

Falmouth's Business & Marketing BSc(Hons) Course Leader Francisco Romera talks about his career experiences, the environmental responsibilities companies have and how the University's new online degree offers students a unique learning experience.

Read more

How you'll learn & be assessed

How online study works

On this accelerated degree you'll learn through a blend of lectures, webinars, guest talks, tasks and discussion forums, which you'll access via our dedicated virtual learning environment. This is also where you'll find all key documentation, see course announcements and access extensive learning resources.

What support will I have?

You'll be supported academically by Online Tutors, who will also deliver weekly webinars and facilitate the online forums. If you need assistance with anything that isn't directly related to course material, a dedicated Student Advisor team will be on hand to help. You'll also have access to Falmouth University's Employability Service.

What will my study hours be?

You'll refine dynamic business and marketing practices, spending 27-50 hours a week working on your craft, depending on whether you choose to study full-time or part-time. We incorporate optional face-to-face events for all our online students. There will be up to two per year and will typically run over weekends, to fit around your other commitments.

What does accelerated study mean?

An accelerated degree condenses your degree modules into two years on the full-time route, or three years on the part-time route. This means you'll be working across three study blocks per year, instead of two, including through the summer. Typically, there is a break of around two weeks between submitting your final assignment for each module and the start of the next study block. You will also get breaks on public holidays, for around two weeks at Easter and for around three weeks in December.

Find out more about learning online

The Business & Marketing BSc online degree employs a variety of assessment strategies over the course of the year. These can include Individual and group industry reports, presentations and pitches, critical evaluations, case studies, marketing strategies, portfolios, responses to briefs, project outcomes and reflective essays.

Your summative (final) assessments occur at the end of each module, usually at the end of the study block. You may also have interim formative assessments part way through a module as well. These assessments help ensure that you remain on track with your work.

You'll receive written and/or verbal feedback on all your assignments throughout the year. At the end of the module, you'll receive detailed feedback in written form.

You'll be able to check in with your online tutor to discuss your progress and ask any questions you have about your course.

Screenshots of a website design project by students on Business & Marketing BSc (Online)
BSc Business and Marketing student project

Why I chose to study Business & Marketing online

In this article, Business & Marketing online student Michelle tells us why she chose to join the course community, and talks about her experience on the course so far and her ambitions for the future. 

Read more

Stories from our community

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Staff in Cornwall Business School come with a wealth of business experience - providing the academic theories behind the real business world. And through constant collaboration, you’ll learn from the University’s sector-specific mentors.

Dr Francisco Romera

Course Leader

From 2022, Francisco Romera has been part of Cornwall Business School at Falmouth University, being ...

Dr Francisco Romera

Dr Eugenie Le Bigot

Lecturer, Business & Marketing BSc(Hons) (Online)

Eugénie is part of the Cornwall Business School at the University of Falmouth (UK), where she is mo...

Dr Eugenie Le Bigot

Some members of staff only teach on specific modules, and your course might not feature every staff member who teaches on the course.


As a graduate, you could become:

  • A digital marketing manager
  • A digital account manager
  • A digital communications officer or consultant
  • A social media marketing associate
  • A content or brand manager

How to apply

We consider all applications on their own individual merit and potential. We invite all applicants to an online interview to give them the opportunity to demonstrate this along with what inspires and motivates them in their field. Applicants will also be able to show their portfolio or give a performance depending on the course. We welcome applications from all subject backgrounds, whether you've specialised in STEM, the arts or humanities.

Applying with UCAS points

Course route Entry requirements
BA/BSc(Hons) degree 104 – 120 UCAS Tariff points

Check the title of your course to see if it's a BA or BSc award. UCAS Tariff points will primarily be from Level 3 qualifications such as but not limited to A-levels, T Levels, a BTEC/UAL Extended Diploma or a Foundation Diploma.

Check how many points your qualifications are worth

Applying without UCAS points

We'll welcome your application if you have formal or 'certified' learning (such as training courses not run by universities or colleges) and learning from work experience or self-study. This is called Accreditation of Prior Learning (APL), and should have been gained within the last five years, and be equivalent to the learning outcomes of our minimum entry qualifications. Find out more about APL.

If your first language is not English, you'll need to take an English Language test.  We accept: 

  • IELTS - minimum overall score of IELTS 6.0 with at least 5.5 in Reading, Writing, Speaking and Listening 
  • TOEFL iBT (online test) - minimum of 80 overall and at least 19 in all 4 components 
  • LanguageCert (online test) - a High Pass from the ESOL B2 Communicator test in reading, writing, speaking and listening (2 parts) 

We also accept a range of other recognised English language qualifications.  You can visit our English Language Requirements page for more information. 

For more information about equivalent international qualifications or English language requirements please contact our friendly Course Advisors

For starting your studies in 2024

Applications for these courses remain open whilst there are spaces available. We encourage you to apply as early as possible to avoid disappointment.

The academic start date is 23 September 2024*.


Please note:

*Virtual Welcome Week begins the week before the academic start date. During this time, our Student Advisor team will host Welcome Webinars and be in touch with practical information on how to study online.

What we're looking for

We are looking for people who are enthusiastic about making an impact in the worlds of business and marketing.

Fees, costs & funding

Tuition fees for September 2024 entry

Annual tuition fee Student
£10,400 per year 2 years accelerated full-time
£6,935 per year 3 years accelerated part-time

Tuition fees for September 2025 will be confirmed in summer 2024.

Tuition fees are set annually and are subject to review each year. The University may therefore raise tuition fees in the second or subsequent years of a course, in line with inflation and/or the maximum permitted by law or Government policy. Students will be notified of any changes as soon as possible. 

The figures above don't include accommodation and living costs

What funding can I get?

Funding for online study is different to on-campus study. You'll find information about both tuition fees and how you can fund your online study on this page.

Explore funding options
Two female Falmouth University students sat at a table with open books

Typical course costs


You will need to purchase a laptop/desktop computer. It is an essential piece of equipment that you will need right from the start of the course. Our students use both PCs and Macs.

Face-to-face events (optional)

As an online student you will be given the opportunity to attend up to two events per academic year to meet your classmates and tutors in person. Dates and location of the events will vary.  

Costs of the events themselves are covered, however you will need to cover your own costs for travel, accommodation, food and drink. More information about these events will be given to you when you start your course, but you should expect them to cost approximately £500-800. 

Adobe Creative Cloud

You will need access to Adobe Creative Cloud. You may be eligible for discounted licenses through Adobe's education pricing and Falmouth University seeks to provide further discounts when possible. If any discounts are available, we will communicate these to you.

For more information please visit Adobe Creative Cloud.

Ask a student

What better way to find out about life at Falmouth University than by asking our current students?

From course details and academic support, to the social scene and settling in, our students are ready and available to answer any questions you might have. Simply set up your account, send them a question and they'll get back to you within 24 hours.

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Virtual Open Days & events

Head to our Open Days & events page to see upcoming virtual Open Days and online events covering everything from student funding to application advice.

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Two students seated at a table with yellow and red background



