Business Support

Two students talking across a table at Falmouth University

Falmouth University offers a range of business support opportunities.

Fusing knowledge exchange, product and services development and the exploration of new technologies, we aim to encourage the growth of businesses in Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly, and beyond. 

From accessing fully-funded business support to future-proofing with immersive technologies, explore all our business support opportunities, below. 


Continuing Professional Development for your workforce

From digital skills to accredited short courses we run a range of Continuing Professional Development courses to up-skill your workforce and keep them at the top of their game.

Explore our offering
Sustainable Business

Explore Launchpad venture studio

Falmouth Launchpad is a unique opportunity to accelerate your entrepreneurial journey. Whether you're starting or scaling your business, we're here to support you with experienced coaches, Entrepreneurs in Residence and mentors.

Launchpad venture studio
Launchpad cohort of students

Business consultancy

Take advantage of our academic and technical expertise to benefit your business. Whether it's for product innovation, production processes, service design or marketing, our creative thinkers are experts in their fields.


A man in a blue shirt, gesturing to a table of students
MA Communication Design - new 20 crop

Knowledge Transfer Partnerships

We champion open innovation.

That means we actively seek to operate across disciplines, provide opportunities to share ideas and work with industry and the community to stimulate invention, develop entrepreneurial activity and make a positive impact on society. 

Our Knowledge Transfer Partnerships are available to businesses and community organisations that wish to share insights and ideas in areas from business development to social innovation. 

If you're interested in getting involved in our Knowledge Transfer Partnership programme, our team will be more than happy to give you more information. 


Collaborative research

Our research centres and community are open to collaborations with individual researchers, research departments, industry and third sector organisations. Find out how to engage with us in our research pages.

Find out more