Our International team are available to offer support and guidance on studying at Falmouth. Get in touch with our International office or find your regional representative below.

Student enquiries

E: futurestudies@falmouth.ac.uk



International team (business & partnership enquiries)

E: international@falmouth.ac.uk


East and Southeast Asia Representative

Phoebe Gager

E: Phoebe.Gager@falmouth.ac.uk


Europe, North America and South America Representative'

Adriane Marriott Mills


India Representative

Neel Vora (Mumbai-based)

Sam Burney (UK-based)


Ask our international community

What better way to find out about international student life at Falmouth than asking our current students? Our students are here to tell you all about life at Falmouth. From settling in and studying to making friends and making memories.

Ask a student
13 Falmouth University students in different coloured tops stood against a white wall and on a white staircase.