Understanding your tuition fees

Tuition fees are the amount charged by the University to study here. You can look at the tuition fees for each course by study level: undergraduate (BA/BSc), postgraduate (MA/MSc/PGDip) and research degree (MPhil/PhD). Each study level then shows fees for UK, EU/International/non Home fee status, Channel Island and Isle of Man students. Visit our student funding page for information on financing your level of study.

Undergraduate tuition fees

Undergraduate Tuition Fees

See tuition fees and student funding information for full-time UK/EU new and returning undergraduate...

Undergraduate Tuition Fees
A Falmouth University student looking through a Postgraduate study guide
Compass student support postgraduate funding

Postgraduate Tuition Fees

Tuition fees and payment information for our postgraduate courses.

Postgraduate Tuition Fees
Looking at forms documents on a table
Student funding

MPhil/PhD Tuition Fees

Tuition fees and payment information for our PhD and MPhil research degree courses.

MPhil/PhD Tuition Fees

How to pay

You can pay your tuition fees directly by using out online payment portal.

Go to portal

How we spend your fees

We know that studying at university is a significant investment. You can read about how we spend your fees in the publication below and see how you benefit from the fees you pay.

Contact us

Prospective students

For any funding related queries, contact our Student Finance team:

E: student.finance@falmouth.ac.uk
T: +44(0)1326 255310

Current students

You can book a Microsoft Teams or on-campus appointment by using the Student Funding appointments system.


Current students with general concerns about their finances should contact the Students' Union Advice Service:

E: advice@thesu.org.uk
W: thesu.org.uk