Undergraduate Bursaries and Awards

Students getting support

We offer bursaries and awards to help support our undergraduate students.

The bursaries and awards you are eligible for will depend on your chosen course and pathway as well as your individual circumstances. These bursaries and awards are separate from any other Government loans or grants, helping you to fund your studies while at Falmouth. You can see an outline of our undergraduate bursaries and awards in the table below.

Bursaries and awards

Bursary/ award Who's it for? How much? Status

The Falmouth Bursary

Bursary support for eligible students with an assessed household income of under £25,000

UK and eligible EU on-campus students who started their course in or after September 2020.

£250-£500 for each full year of study Open

Pendennis Bursary

The bursary is intended to help with the cost of any deposits and additional accommodation required during the course of the academic year.

UK students who are care leavers or those in similar circum- stances without any family network or support. £1,000 for each full year of study Open

International Talent Award

30 scholarships of £3,000 each to its most talented international undergraduate and postgraduate students.

International offer holders paying international fees applying for a full-time on-campus taught Bachelors or Masters course, demonstrating exceptional talent. £3,000 Closed

India Nationals' Scholarship

15 scholarships of £2,000 each to Indian nationals applying to study with us on-campus in September 2024.

Indian nationals applying to a full-time on campus taught undergraduate or postgraduate degree starting in September 2024. £2,000 Open

Dependants Bursary

Bursary support for eligible students assessed as having child and/or adult dependants.

UK students in receipt of either Parents Learning Allowance (PLA) or Adult Dependents Grant (ADG) from Student Finance. £250 Open

Hardship Fund

One-off support designed for students who encounter financial hardship during the academic year due to unforeseen circumstances.

Current full-time on-campus students. £variable Open

Materials Award

To support the purchasing of study materials for eligible students with an assessed household income of under £25,000

UK and EU on-campus students who started their course prior to 2020-21. £100-£400 Closed

Wilhelmina Barns-Graham Award

The Wilhelmina Barns-Graham Award offers financial support to an individual Fine Art student in the second year of their course.

Year 1 BA(Hons) Fine Art student. £1,000 paid to the award winner following their enrolment onto the second year of BA (Hons) Fine Art. Closed

Wilhelmina Barns-Graham Travel to Italy Award

This award offers support to one graduating BA(Hons) Fine Art student undertaking an exploratory trip to Italy within 6 months of finishing their course.

Final year BA(Hons) Fine Art students.  £1,500 Closed 

The Falmouth University Travel Fund

The Falmouth University Travel Fund is designed to support individuals facing financial hardship with visiting the University. 

See eligibility criteria. Assistance with the cost of travel to events outlined here. Open


Contact us

Prospective students

For any funding related queries, contact our Student Finance team:

E: student.finance@falmouth.ac.uk
T: +44(0)1326 255310


Current students

You can book a Microsoft Teams appointment by using the Student Funding appointments system.

Need support?

If you're a current student and have concerns about your finances, please contact the Students' Union Advice Service:

E: advice@thesu.org.uk
W: thesu.org.uk