Students reading newspapers around a desk

English & Creative Writing BA(Hons)

Join a celebration of literature and writing and experiment in all forms.

Key details
Falmouth Campus
Course duration
3 years / 4 years
Full-time / Professional Placement
UCAS code

Course overview

This English & Creative Writing degree is a celebration of literature, where you’ll develop the ability and confidence to write for specific genres, forms and audiences.

You’ll read critically and widely, analyse and create in equal measure and build the technical and imaginative thinking skills valued by employers across any number of careers.

Follow a literary journey that culminates in the most vivid contemporary writing before specialising in chosen areas such as poetry, drama, fiction or non-fiction – making your own contribution through University publications or projects with our industry partners.

You will:

  • Learn, debate and create under the guidance of academics, industry professionals and diverse guest speakers
  • Design and run a collaborative project such as a sitcom, podcast or illustrated anthology, working with business, education and community partners
  • Attend our guest lecture series, where you’ll build relationships and contacts within all facets of the literary world
  • Participate in literary events, such as Falmouth Book Festival and the North Cornwall Book Festival
  • Take inspiration from The Lighthouse – the workspace at the heart of our community
  • Gain industry-ready skills by writing, editing or promoting FalWriting, our student-led online magazine
  • Use our state-of-the-art Soundhouse and edit suites to record audience ready productions

Course details

BA(Hons) English with Creative Writing course video

On this English & Creative Writing degree, you'll have the opportunity to gain a BA(Hons) degree over three years or study English & Creative Writing BA(Hons) with a professional placement year option.

This english and creative writing degree seeks to capture and analyse the most vital contemporary writing (across all formats and media) within the context of a rich literary, historical and theoretical past, developing your critical and creative eye.

Learn, debate and create under the guidance of leading academics, industry professionals and diverse guest speakers, whether in The Lighthouse, our state-of-the-art campus facilities, or any of our immediate and beautiful natural spaces.

By making your own choices, you'll build skills in areas like poetry, fiction, non-fiction, screenwriting, and digital games. Be the voice of your community by writing, editing or promoting Falwriting – our student-led online magazine – gaining vital (and CV-boosting), industry-ready skills.

Live collaborative projects will allow you to make priceless personal connections. Work directly with industry, educational, and community partners, creating a clear path to your desired industry or area of further academic study.

During the first year of BA English & Creative Writing, you'll explore the basics of creative writing, english literature and publishing – all key areas for aspiring writers to be familiar with. While providing an introduction to the subject, this course also breaks the mould of most English degrees with modules like Exploding the Canon: Writing Then and Now and Breaking the Rules: Remix and Writing Back. Each week, you'll learn through a mix of lectures, workshops and tutorials.


Writing: Craft & Contexts

This module explores the practice of writing as a discipline and a craft and asks you to debate ideas about writing, authorship, genre, creativity and audience.

Exploding the Canon: Writing Then & Now

How do the literatures of the past infuse the fictions of the present and what do these literatures reveal about us as we are now and us as we once were?

Publishing Cultures

In this module, you'll encounter publishing as a literary and cultural tradition that is dynamic and in a constant state of flux. You will consider the role of technology on the production and dissemination of written texts in the contemporary world.

Breaking the Rules: Remix and Writing Back

A challenging, radical and 'breaking the rules' creative writing module, which covers remix and writing back in theory and practice.

Literatures of Revolution

From the revolutionary ideas of Darwin's theories of evolution to postcolonial revelations, LGBTQi movements and the #MeToo phenomena, literature and other textual forms reflect and create society. How do contemporary notions revolutionise texts and how do texts inform revolutionary ideas?

Publishing Studio: Technologizing the Word

A practical and intermedia publishing module, which might include book design, zine making, performance and exhibition as publication and screen-based media.

Your second year is all about narrowing down to your specialisation, building on two core modules addressing contemporary literature and a collaborative project. You’ll then be able to branch out into different creative writing types to hone your skills in your optional modules. 

Your core modules will explore key issues such as race, gender, sexuality and identity politics in contemporary literature, alongside delivering a dynamic collaborative project with your peers. 

The optional modules in year two will give you the opportunity to grow your writing abilities in different specialisms including: writing for games, screenwriting, poetry, creative non-fiction and writing for radio or theatre. You’ll then hone your creative, analytical, critiquing and writing skills and learn how to research, plan, pitch and build a professional profile. 


Society and the Self

What is the role of identity in literature? How does literature represent the world's diversity? Who communicates identity and how?

Collaborative Project

In this module you'll consider the writer's role as part of a creative eco-system, and/or literature's role in the creative economy through working on a live collaborative project. The project can be a placement in the writing-related industries, a case study or live brief with a business (for example, literary festivals, creative agencies, publishing houses, the heritage sector), or a collaborative project with peers culminating in an event performance or piece of creative practice.

Optional modules

Satire and Scandal



Magic and the Impossible


Creative Non-Fiction


Radio & Theatre

You can choose to take an optional professional placement after your second year on a three-year programme.

You’ll be responsible for finding your own placement, with support from the employability team. 

Choosing this option will enhance your industry experience and skills while studying. 

How you’ll study during your placement year 

You’ll spend time working in a professional context, as part of a business or organisation. This can be in one role, or up to three, and must be for a minimum of 24 weeks. 

You’ll develop in-demand workplace skills, deepen your insight into industry and grow your network of contacts, all of which could help you get ahead in your career after graduation. 

Throughout this year, you’ll develop a portfolio of work that includes critical self-reflection on what has been learned from the experience. You’ll be required to evidence your experiences, the skills you’ve learned and your professional growth. 

Harnessing the knowledge and skills you’ve honed throughout your degree, in your final year you’ll work on a dissertation and portfolio, allowing you to create a critical and sustained piece of work. For these projects, you’ll have weekly tutorials with your supervisor, giving you a close focus on your own writing.

You’ll examine contemporary literature, focusing only on prize winners, bestsellers and controversial content published in the last five years. You’ll also choose from optional modules during the year, and you’ll study a module in experimentation and adaptation.  


Dissertation and Portfolio

Create an independent extended piece of creative writing or a collection of creative pieces in a genre, form, topic of your choosing, which sits alongside an extended essay on an area of publishing studies or English literature related to your creative piece.

Experiment and Adaptation

Engage with some of the limits of textuality, testing the boundaries of understanding, meaning and communication. By looking at how texts can be remediated, how they morph and repeat, you'll analyse how texts sit within the time and place of their production, but also how they can innovate and shift.

Writing Now: Prize Winners, Bestsellers & Controversial Content

What wins prizes? What wins readers? What makes a bestseller? What is literature doing now, and where is it going?

Optional modules

We Have Never Been Human

Crime and Dark Fiction

Children and Young Adult


As part of our process of continuous improvement, we routinely review course content to ensure that all our students benefit from a high-quality and rewarding academic experience. As such, there may be some changes made to your course which are not immediately reflected in the content displayed on our website. Any students affected will be informed of any changes made directly.

From module information to course aims and assessment criteria, discover the full course details:



Prussia Cove inspires students on weekend writing retreat

Third-year students on our undergraduate writing and journalism courses recently gathered at Prussia Cove for a weekend writing retreat.

The group took part in an array of workshops, walks and writing sessions led by lecturers from across Falmouth’s School of Communication. Discover more about the retreat, here.

Prussia Cove inspires writing and journalism students | Falmouth University

Students sat on sofa in a room full of books
English & CW - 2023

Why I chose to study English and Creative Writing

Discover why studying English & Creative Writing at Falmouth University offers a unique blend of inspiration, creativity, and career-focused opportunities—straight from a student's perspective.

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Will journalists be replaced by AI?

"The world of AI needs to be treated with care but if we embrace it in the right way, it could be a valuable new tool in making the news accessible to all."

– Dr Kit Chapman, award-winning journalist at Falmouth University

This course could be for you if...

  • You've got a passion for English and writing
  • You're a regular reader and enjoy lots of genres
  • You like writing and crafting stories
  • You want to learn about literature's role in the past and present
  • You want to use writing within your future career
  • You want to develop your literary style and voice.

Chat to our students


How you'll learn & be assessed

On top of your regular lectures, seminars and workshops, you'll take on live briefs from creative industry partners, and attend lectures and seminars with high-profile guest speakers and our Writers in Residence, like Matt Haig, Philip Marsden, Lionel Shriver, Iain Sinclair, Don Paterson and Simon Armitage.

You'll support your self-directed learning with significant weekly tutor contact time, and have the chance for regular one-to-one tutorials. There'll also be opportunities to gain regular work experience by writing or working for our student journal of new writing.

At Falmouth, we use a 'digitally enhanced learning & teaching' approach. Your experience will always be predominantly in-person, including seminars, tutorials and studio teaching, with some, more targeted elements, being online either live (synchronous) or pre-recorded (asynchronous). You can read more here.

100% of your assessment will be coursework.

Assessment methods

  • Coursework and e-learning exercises
  • Live creative industry briefs
  • Final year creative writing portfolio


  • Digital labs, lecture theatres and seminar rooms.
  • Libraries housing 140,000 books, 17,000 DVD and video titles, and exhaustive electronic and journal resources.
  • The Lighthouse – a dedicated writers' room and events space
  • The Soundhouse – podcasting facility
  • The Shed – dedicated study area
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SoWJ Newsroom through window lecturer talking

Media Equipment and Facilities

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Media Equipment and Facilities
View of Falmouth University library with blue chairs and bookcases
Falmouth campus library blue chairs

Library Facilities

Offering extensive collections, our two libraries provide a wealth of digital resources, magazines, ...

Library Facilities
Falmouth University Sports Centre building exterior with blue sky and a path
Sports Centre - Outside
Sports Centre

Sports Centre

Our Sports Centre, on Penryn Campus, includes a spacious gym with up to 90 of the latest, new statio...

Sports Centre


Our academics provide a huge range of expertise, including 20th and 21st century literature, digital texts, Victorian literature, gender studies, literature and environment, and print culture.

Some members of staff only teach on specific modules, and your course might not feature every staff member who teaches on the course.

Dr Jennifer Young staff picture

Dr Jennifer Young

Head of People Success

Jennifer Young came to Falmouth in 2019 to take up the post of Head of Writing and Journalism. She o...

Dr Jennifer Young

Dr David Devanny

Course Leader, BA(Hons) Creative Writing and BA(Hons) English & Creative Writing

David is a senior lecturer and course leader at Falmouth University, and a poet and multimedia artis...

Dr David Devanny

Dr Luke Thompson

Course Leader, MA Professional Writing

Luke is a writer and publisher from Cornwall. His interests include human-animal relationships, smal...

Dr Luke Thompson
Dr Ruth Heholt staff picture

Professor Ruth Heholt

Professor of Literature and Culture

Ruth Heholt is an internationally renowned scholar in the fields of Gothic, supernatural, Victorian,...

Professor Ruth Heholt
John Finnegan staff profile

Dr John Finnegan

Course Leader, MA Writing for Script & Screen

John has worked in the film and media sector for twenty years. He started his career a...

Dr John Finnegan

Rupert Loydell

Senior Lecturer, English & Writing

Rupert Loydell is Senior Lecturer in the School of Writing and Journalism at Falmouth University, th...

Rupert Loydell

Jane Pugh

Associate Lecturer, School of Film and Television

I live with friends and my dog by the sea. I write, teach and facilitate because my job is to create...

Jane Pugh

Dr Marshall Moore

Course Leader and Senior Lecturer

Dr. Marshall Moore hails from North Carolina and relocated to the UK in 2020 after living and workin...

Dr Marshall Moore
Nic Coplin headshot

Nicola Coplin


Nic has taught at Falmouth University since 2013. She trained in acting at the Hub Theatre School in...

Nicola Coplin

Dr Adrian Markle

Lecturer in Creative Writing

Adrian joined Falmouth in 2019. Originally from Canada, he moved to the UK in 2011 for the MA at Bat...

Dr Adrian Markle
Dr Jo Parsons

Dr Jo Parsons

Lecturer in English and Creative Writing

Dr Jo Parsons has been a Lecturer in English and Creative Writing at Falmouth University since 2019....

Dr Jo Parsons

Got a question about this course?

If you want to know more about the course structure, our application requirements or what our graduates have gone on to achieve, our friendly course team is here to help.


Chat to David


Our graduates have worked as:

  • PR Coordinator at Superdry
  • Media Editor at Business Insider
  • Editor at Parragon Books

What can you do with a writing degree?

With businesses growing their online presence, talented writers are being hired as copywriters, web editors, PR officers and content creators to help brands communicate.

How to apply

Ready to apply for 2025?

You can apply for our undergraduate degrees via UCAS. You'll need our university UCAS code (F33) as well as your course code (which you'll find on your course page) for your application.

Apply via UCAS

Course route UCAS code
English & Creative Writing BA(Hons) three year degree W8Q3
English & Creative Writing BA(Hons) with professional placement PY47

For starting your studies in 2025

UK applications: 29 January 2025 (for equal consideration)

Applications after the 29 January will be considered on a first-come, first-served as long as there are places available. Apply for this course now.

International fee payers

International fee payers can apply throughout the year. But we recommend applying as early as possible, to make time for visa and travel arrangements.

We consider all applications on their own individual merit and potential. We invite all applicants to an interview day or audition to give them the opportunity to demonstrate this along with what inspires and motivates them in their field. Applicants will also be able to show their portfolio or give a performance depending on the course. We welcome applications from all subject backgrounds, whether you’ve specialised in STEM, the arts or humanities.  

BA/BSc(Hons) three year degree: 104 – 120 UCAS Tariff points

BA/BSc(Hons) four year degree with professional placement: 104 – 120 UCAS Tariff points

Check the title of your course to see if it's a BA or BSc award. UCAS Tariff points will primarily be from Level 3 qualifications such as but not limited to A-levels, T Levels, a BTEC/UAL Extended Diploma or a Foundation Diploma. 

Check how many points your qualifications are worth

For applicants whose first language is English we require you to have or be working towards GCSE English Language Grade 4 (C), or equivalent. 

If English is not your first language you will need to meet the same standard which is equivalent to the IELTS Academic 6.0 overall score, with at least 5.5 in Reading, Writing, Speaking and Listening. We accept a range of in country equivalencies and approved tests.  

If you need a student visa to study in the UK, you may need to take a recognised language test. You can read our English Language Requirements for more information.

Fees, costs & funding

Tuition fees

Annual tuition fee Student
£9,250 per year Full-time UK
£17,950 per year Full-time EU/international
£1,850 per professional placement year Full-time UK and EU/international
Annual tuition fee Student
£9,535 per year Full-time UK
£17,950 per year Full-time EU/international
£1,905 per professional placement year Full-time UK and EU/international

Tuition fees for September 2026 will be confirmed in summer 2025.

Tuition fees are set annually and are subject to review each year. The University may therefore raise tuition fees in the second or subsequent years of a course, in line with inflation and/or the maximum permitted by law or Government policy. Students will be notified of any changes as soon as possible. 

The figures above don't include accommodation and living costs

Typical course costs

  • £300-£400 - Recurring annual costs
  • £500 - Optional study visits and placements for the course duration

If you need to bring equipment or materials with you, these will be outlined in your Welcome Letter.

Ask a student

What better way to find out about life at Falmouth University than by asking our current students?

From course details and academic support, to the social scene and settling in, our students are ready and available to answer any questions you might have. Simply set up your account, send them a question and they'll get back to you within 24 hours.

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Parents smiling with daughter at an Open Day at Falmouth University



