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A day at Falmouth Pride

07 May 2024

Experience Falmouth Pride through the lens of Ben, a Film BA(Hons) student, as he captures the

A day at Falmouth Pride
Student work Alicia Paris Fairclough BA (Hons) Illustration (Online) student
Student work Alicia Paris Fairclough BA (Hons) Illustration (Online) student

Who is Dorothy Vaughan? Communicating segregation to KS2 children

06 November 2023

This zine was created for a communication illustration module and my focus was on how I could

Who is Dorothy Vaughan? Communicating segregation to KS2 children
Student hiking in Madagascar
SV - Madagascar Adventure - Hiking -Freya Pretty

My Madagascar Adventure

13 October 2023

Working with social impact charity TSAP Travel in Madagascar.

My Madagascar Adventure
A student kitchen equipped with toaster, kettle, microwave, table, chairs and an oven

Why I chose to live in Packsaddle

24 May 2022

This article was written by Press & Editorial Photography student Abbie. If you'd like to hear more

Why I chose to live in Packsaddle
An empty university room, equipped with double bed and desk
The sidings new

Why I chose to live in The Sidings

24 May 2022

This article was written by Creative Events Management graduate Elena. If you'd like to read more

Why I chose to live in The Sidings

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Nobody knows Falmouth quite like our students. From course details, facilities and the local area, to the social scene and settling in, our students are ready and available to answer any questions you might have.

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four Creative Advertising students laughing around a table

Our student content creators

Get to know the people behind our student stories. If you're looking for a student's-eye-view of Falmouth life, our content creators have got you covered. 

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Student smiling and sitting on wall in Fox cafe.