International Transgender Day of Visibility

29 March 2021

International Transgender Day of Visibility

From Falmouth University’s Open Day up until now, I can happily say that I’ve had the most positive experience.

Type: Video
Category: Student life

1st year BA(Hons) Television student Levi talks to us about life at Falmouth University as a transgender student.

Hi, I'm Levi and I'm a transgender male who is currently studying Television at Falmouth University.

Deciding to come to university was quite daunting for myself because I needed to find a uni who would accept me for who I am and embrace the fact that I was different.

I attended many universities during this decision but Falmouth stood out to me because not only was everyone super friendly but the University also offers private student accommodation with en-suites. This is great because, as a transgender person, the bathroom situation can be very awkward, and for me, I was adamant that I was staying in student accommodation that would have an en suite wherever I attended. I also needed to make sure that I felt safe and from Falmouth University's Open Day up until now, I can happily say that I've had the most positive experience.

The wellbeing team are always on hand to help with any concern surrounding your mental and physical health and whilst I'm currently going through my own medical gender transition, I have made great use of this service.

The Pride society here at Falmouth also plays a huge part in the support offered to LGBTQIA+ students and there is someone who you can always talk to about your shared experiences. It's also a great way to make new friends.

They are actively creating ways of communicating online through their own discord server and are eager to hold more in-person events soon. These again are a great opportunity to meet new people.

The Students’ Union has also been getting involved. They increased visibility for LGBTQIA+ history month by hosting online movie screenings that were picked specifically due to the content surrounding the community and also the actors who belong to the LGBTQIA+ community themselves. They are also creating new ideas of how they can support the LGBTQIA students who attend the University.

I can happily say that Falmouth University is a safe place for LGBTQIA+ students and I have felt extremely comfortable as a transgender individual studying and living in student accommodation here.


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