Business and Education Master's Degrees

Two Falmouth University business students sat at a laptop

Get equipped for careers in business and education by industry-expert lecturers and practical teaching.

We believe that creativity is the cornerstone for business innovation and educational impact. Even in an age of automation, it's creative minds that will set a company apart and forge educators who'll equip the next generation. Whether you want to start or advance your career in business or education, our postgraduate courses will give you the strategic and creative skills to succeed in the changing global business and educational environment.

Under the guidance of industry professionals, you'll use key design principles and emerging technologies to tackle real agency briefs, ready to join the next generation of entrepreneurs. Alternatively, if you undertake our educational master's degrees you'll grow as an indepedent and creative teaching practitioner.

Our business and education postgraduate courses

MA Education student working at their laptop
MA Education (Online)

Postgraduate Certificate in Higher Education (Online)

Develop your teaching expertise on our online PGCHE.

Postgraduate Certificate in Higher Education (Online)
A group of people sat round a table with laptops
Msc International Business Management

International Business Management MSc

Learn to thrive in the fast-paced, ever-changing world of international business, adopting a sustain...

International Business Management MSc
Lecturer Dr D Feret using haptic vest technology at LAAA event
LAAA Event Image - Haptic Vest

Creative Events Management MA (Online)

Falmouth’s online MA in Creative Events Management will support you to rise to the challenges in t...

Creative Events Management MA (Online)

Marketing and Digital Communications MA (Online)

Elevate your marketing expertise for a digital-first world.  

Marketing and Digital Communications MA (Online)
Creative Advertising
Creative Advertising

Creative Advertising MA

Build your capabilities as a strategically minded advertising creative. You’ll enter an intensive ...

Creative Advertising MA
MSc Entrepreneurship students discussing their work
MSc Entrepreneurship 1

Entrepreneurship & Innovation Management MSc

Develop the practical skills to become a sustainable, creative innovator and resilient entrepreneur,...

Entrepreneurship & Innovation Management MSc
Music Business Ma 2022
Music Business Ma 2022

Music Business MA

Ready to shape the future of the music industry? From marketing and publishing to project management...

Music Business MA
Communication Design MA students chatting
Communication Design MA

Communication Design MA

Work in an interdisciplinary studio environment, where designing and communicating meaningful and ef...

Communication Design MA
A laptop with code on the screen is connected to a phone with an app open.

User Experience Design MA (Online)

Learn how to apply key principles of user-centered design to create original work based on your own ...

User Experience Design MA (Online)

Why study a master's degree in business or education?

Our postgraduate students choose to study for lots of reasons

If you want to enhance your knowledge or accelerate your career in business or education, then our postgraduate courses are a great option. Whether you're a recent graduate, current business professional or teaching practitioner, a master's degree gives you the opportunity to develop specialised knowledge in a specific field – whether that's entrepreneurship, events management or higher education.

Throughout your postgraduate studies, you'll engage with projects that address key business theories and tackle contemporary pedagogical issues. You'll create engaging campaigns and pitch to potential clients or develop teaching strategies to impact future students. With full access to academic support resources, you'll graduate as a forward-thinking business professional or educational practitioner.

What our students and graduates do

A woman with dark hair smiling into the camera
Charly Richards

Graduate Spotlight: Charly Richards, Associate Brand Manager at Jude’s Ice Cream

24 February 2025

For Marketing and Digital Communications MA (Online) graduate Charly Richards, her dedication to lea...

Graduate Spotlight: Charly Richards, Associate Brand Manager at Jude’s Ice Cream
Graduate Michael Chubb smiling behind a blue sky
Michael Chubb

From on-campus undergraduate to online postgraduate

30 October 2023

My name’s Michael, a recent graduate of Falmouth’s online master’s in Marketing and Digital Co...

From on-campus undergraduate to online postgraduate
Image of a graduate at gradutation in cap and gown with textover the top: Meet our online marketing and digital communications graudates
Marketing and Digital Comms Video screenshot

Why I chose to study Marketing and Digital Communications MA online

22 September 2023

Why I chose to study Marketing and Digital Communications MA online
Photo of Rory Sutherland with the following text overlaid in white: Ted Talk super star Rory Sutherland Why you have to believe in magic.
Rory Sutherland - Why you have to believe in magic

Ogilvy’s Rory Sutherland talks behavioural economics at Falmouth University

07 February 2023

Advertising executive and behavioural economist, Rory Sutherland delivered a talk on the intersectio...

Ogilvy’s Rory Sutherland talks behavioural economics at Falmouth University
Master's student Inge stood outside a large building
Inge Hamersma

Becoming a specialist through online postgraduate study

27 January 2023

In this article, MA Marketing and Digital Communications (Online) student Inge shares how studying a...

Becoming a specialist through online postgraduate study
A student sat at their laptop working on a marketing report
Getting a job in digital marketing

How to get into digital marketing

12 December 2022

Explore how to kickstart your career in the fast-paced digital marketing sector.

How to get into digital marketing
A large group of people standing in front of the sea and boats
Clarity Agency group photo

What’s it like working for an agency?

28 July 2022

Tom Telford, President of Digital Marketing at Clarity, offers an insight into working for an agency...

What’s it like working for an agency?
Headshot of Rosie Smith, MA Marketing and Digital Communications (Online) Module Leader
Rosie Smith

The module leader banishing the buzzwords around creative storytelling in marketing

09 May 2022

Rosie Smith is an award-winning writer, journalist and copywriter, and leads the Creative Digital St...

The module leader banishing the buzzwords around creative storytelling in marketing
Marnie holding a camera
Marnie Pillinger

Why I chose to study Marketing and Digital Communications online

04 March 2022

MA Marketing and Digital Communications (Online) student Marnie Pillinger tells us about how the cou...

Why I chose to study Marketing and Digital Communications online
Team photo of Launchpad startup Codices
Codices Team Photo

Launchpad startup Codices sees value rocket to £8.7m

22 February 2022

Having recently been valued at a cool £8.7m, Launchpad startup Codices is now set to unveil the 'ne...

Launchpad startup Codices sees value rocket to £8.7m
Animation of a carrot dressed in a night gown with 'A Christmas Carrot' text.
Aldi Christmas Advert still

Storytelling in marketing: Why does it matter?

02 December 2021

Becky Wright is currently studying MA Marketing and Digital Communications (online) at Fal...

Storytelling in marketing: Why does it matter?
Three people sat at a table with graphs on paper
Marketing Pexels

Student prospects improve with CIM accreditation

11 June 2021

Students studying MA Marketing and Digital Communications (Online) and BA(Hons) Marketing Communicat...

Student prospects improve with CIM accreditation
Abby Dickinson
Abby Dickinson

“This course is brilliant.” How studying an online MA has rewarded this Marketing student

10 June 2021

Having been out of education for over four years, Marketing and Digital Communications MA (Online) s...

“This course is brilliant.” How studying an online MA has rewarded this Marketing student
Lauren Woods
Lauren Woods

Falmouth student pursues her career while studying online

07 May 2021

MA Marketing and Digital Communications student Lauren Woods is making strides in industry while she...

Falmouth student pursues her career while studying online
Codices CEO Tim Edwards Launchpad
Codices Tim Edwards Launchpad Cmatt Jessop 4 1 1

Launchpad Start-ups Shortlisted for Tech Awards

06 October 2020

Three start-up companies from Falmouth University’s Launchpad programme have been shortlisted for ...

Launchpad Start-ups Shortlisted for Tech Awards
Data Duopoly Co-Founder Tanuvi at Goonhilly
SOE Launchpad Data Duopoly

Data Duopoly shortlisted by European Space Agency

05 June 2020

Launchpad incubator business Data Duopoly has been shortlisted as one of the top 50 entrants in the ...

Data Duopoly shortlisted by European Space Agency
Image from Get Packed game

Moonshine release new game on Google Stadia

29 April 2020

Moonshine Studios has just had its debut title published exclusively on Google Stadia. The Cornwa...

Moonshine release new game on Google Stadia
MA Creative Events Management graduate Onna Rageth
MA Creative Events Management graduate Onna Rageth

Graduate Wins Award for Research Project

11 March 2020

MA Creative Events Management graduate Onna Rageth has won the Leisure Studies Association's (LSA) a...

Graduate Wins Award for Research Project
Large concrete letters spelling Falmouth.
Falmouth sign Woodlane

Alumni Winners in Cornwall’s 30 Under 30

09 March 2020

Cornwall’s 30 under 30 for 2020 have been announced. Congratulations to the Falmouth alumni who we...

Alumni Winners in Cornwall’s 30 Under 30
Codices Team

10K South Korean Players Join QuizKit Game Show Revolution

09 May 2019

One of the businesses built on the University's Launchpad programme, Codices Interactive, is launchi...

10K South Korean Players Join QuizKit Game Show Revolution

Open Days and virtual events

Discover our world-class facilities, unique location and industry professional staff at one of our open days or online events. 

Go to an event
A crowd of parents and students at an Open Day inside Falmouth University's campus cafe

Ready to apply?

Postgraduate study can be a springboard for your career. From Entrepreneurship to Creative Events Management and PGCHE, we combine innovation with creativity on our master's courses. Find out how to apply today

Apply now
A Falmouth University student looking through a Postgraduate study guide