Fine Art in Outdoor Exhibition
24 September 2020
Second year Fine Art student Ore Ahmeed's work is featured in a new outdoor exhibition at the Newlyn Art Gallery showing from 19 September 2020 to 2 January 2021.
Ore told us, "Over a period within lockdown, I created a series of work entitled Isolation Demoralisation, that became a sort of diaristic representation of my personal response to isolation, depicting my loss of direction as well as loneliness during that time.
"Upon making this body of work I was commissioned to create a new site specific work for Newlyn Art Gallery's exhibition Signs of the Times.
The result is a new piece entitled Strength In (Socially Distanced) Numbers. However, this work, alongside the other commissioned posters, aims to boldly display more hopeful and strengthening messages to unite the community.