International reinvention expert, author, and coach to speak at Launchpad
12 May 2022

Hear from international reinvention expert, author, coach, and University of Pennsylvania and Sarah Lawrence College lecturer Roger Osorio at our guest talk on Monday 23 May.
Roger is the founder of the School of Reinvention where he coaches people to define success on their terms and reinvent themselves to make it happen!
He has spoken to audiences around the world including professionals, entrepreneurs, founders, educators, students and athletes. In his experience, he has learned that the number one thing that holds people back from getting onto the journey is the uncertainty of the path and figuring out what is next. One thing they all had in common - they knew something was out of alignment.
In this talk, Roger will share four steps you can take to launch your next reinvention. Roger will show you how you can start building more certainty as you embark on engineering a life, career, or business that is aligned with your values, passion and purpose.
MSc Entrepreneurship Course Leader Marcus Simmons said: "Guest speakers really help enrich the learning experience for our students and we're delighted to welcome Roger to Falmouth.
His expert knowledge spans many aspects of entrepreneurship, leadership, and management, but it his expertise in reinvention that I think will be of particular interest to students and founders. Entrepreneurs are constantly pivoting and expanding their skills to launch and grow their ventures and I think the insights Roger provides will be a huge benefit to all who attend.
Roger’s talk will take place in the Launchpad Studio on the Penryn Campus on Monday 23 May at 6pm, it is open to all, find out more and sign up via Eventbrite.
Roger’s book - The Journey to Reinvention: How to Design a Life that is Aligned with Your Values, Passion, and Purpose - comes out in September 2022. He also facilitates entrepreneurship events for the global tech accelerator, Techstars, and will hosting our Techstars Startup Weekend Penryn event.