If you have achieved or are set to achieve either HE credits from another UK institution or have ECTS credits from a non UK institution in a similar subject area you maybe eligible to enter the course at a later stage and ‘transfer your credits’ to your new course.  

If you have already completed the credits you wish to use, we will ask you to send in a copy of an official transcript detailing the credits. This will then be passed to the course team along with your application and they will determine either at interview/audition or by reviewing your application if they can offer advanced entry or not.  

If you are still studying and plan to finish the year where you are, please send us any transcripts you already have along with the learning outcomes for the ones you are studying towards. We will then use this information along with your application and interview/audition (if applicable) to make a decision on your application. If you are successful for the year you have applied for we’ll make your offer conditional on achieving the required credits.