If you don’t hold the formal entry requirements for the course you have applied for we can recognise your learning achieved through experience, such as professional and/or voluntary work, and/or self directed study. You may also be able to use this learning to make a claim for credit and enter the course at a later stage or with some credits exempted. 

It’s important to remember it’s the learning you have gained that is being assessed rather than the experience itself so it’s important to demonstrate that in your submission, the information below will help you do that.  

You will need to complete the form at the bottom of this page, map your learning to the credits you want to exempted from and submit any evidence along with it. You will also need to pay a fee of £200 as well using this link. The fee is to cover the extra work involved for course teams to review the mapping of learning to module outcomes.  

As part of the form you will need to map your learning to the credits you want exempted. 

You will need to read through the Award Document sent to you via email or you can download it yourself using this link: https://falmouth.akarisoftware.com/ and searching for your course.  

Add the modules you want to seek exemption from, if it’s a whole year you’ll need to do it for each module in that year. You’ll then need to add the learning outcomes from that module and cross reference it with your evidence of how you have achieved those learning outcomes. We would suggest creating a document with all your evidence in that you can refer back to and upload as part of your submission. If your unsure please contact Applicant Services who can put you in touch with someone from the course team who can help you.  

When writing your reflective statement you will need to think about what learning you have gained from your experience rather than the experience itself. You will then need to submit some evidence to substantiate the learning. A good starting point is to think about the skills you have gained from the experience you are using. You can then explain how you got these skills and link to the evidence that demonstrates this. Some questions to ask yourself to get started: 

  • What skills have you gained and how can you evidence them? 
  • How will those skills help you with studying on the course you have applied for? 
  • How has this learning prepared you for study at Undergraduate/Postgraduate level? 
  • What have done recently that has kept your learning current and up to date? 

The evidence submitted could be (but not limited to) the following: 

  • A testimonial from a client or employer 
  • Some examples from your portfolio 
  • Examples of a videoed performance demonstrating skills 
  • Examples of your music or creative practice 
  • Pieces of creative writing 
  • Work you have completed whilst following a syllabus (include both the work and the syllabus) 

Download our APL Application Form: Apply for Advanced Standing