If you have achieved certificated learning at another an educational institution or education/training provider you maybe able to use this to apply to be exempt from certain modules on the course you have applied for. 

You will need to complete the form at the bottom of this page. 

You will need to detail your qualifications and learning that you are using to claim exemption and map it to the learning outcomes of the modules you want to be exempt from. You will also need to supply information about your previous course(s) such as syllabi or an academic reference and copies of any certificates or transcripts.   

As part of the form you will need to map your learning to the credits you want exempted. 

You will need to read through the Award Document sent to you via email or you can download it yourself using this link: https://falmouth.akarisoftware.com/ and searching for your course.  

Add the modules you want to seek exemption from you’ll then need to add the learning outcomes from that module and cross reference it with your evidence of how you have achieved those learning outcomes. We would suggest creating a document with all your evidence in that you can refer back to and upload as part of your submission. If your unsure please contact Applicant Services who can put you in touch with someone from the course team who can help you. 

Download our Accreditation of Prior Learning (APL) Application Form: APCL to claim module exemption at undergraduate or postgraduate