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All you need to know about studying at Falmouth straight from our students

Showing 61 - 61 of 61

Sportswear designs with a mannequin wearing a baseball cap, jumper and leggins
Sportswear Design Sv

Why I chose a creative degree

10 December 2020

Creativity has been part of my life for as long as I can remember. As you grow up, you quickly begin

Why I chose a creative degree

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Nobody knows Falmouth quite like our students. From course details, facilities and the local area, to the social scene and settling in, our students are ready and available to answer any questions you might have.

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four Creative Advertising students laughing around a table

Our student content creators

Get to know the people behind our student stories. If you're looking for a student's-eye-view of Falmouth life, our content creators have got you covered. 

Meet the creators
Student smiling and sitting on wall in Fox cafe.