Why I decided to change university

02 June 2023

Type: Text
Category: Applying to Falmouth

This piece was written by Graphic Design BA(Hons) student Matt about his student life budgeting tips.

Things not going down the path you anticipated...?

How I coped with a change of plans

Coming to Falmouth was one of the best decisions of my life. I’ve made some amazing friends and I absolutely love my course, but I certainly didn’t go the conventional route when it comes to university. The main takeaway of my story is that it’s absolutely ok to make changes to your life choices, even very big ones, because at the end of the day, doing what makes you happy is always the best way to go.

My story

I currently study Graphic Design and I’ve just finished my first year of the course. However, I used to study Marine Biology (big difference, I know). Since about year 10, I had a massive fascination with fish and I had several fish tanks at home and even did some part-time work in a local aquarium. So, after studying two sciences at A Level (and graphic design just for fun), my heart was set on going to The University of Exeter to study Marine Biology. I moved into Glasney Student Village and began my studies, a dream I’d been looking forward to for years. But I was unhappy. From the second I sat down in that lecture theatre I knew something was wrong. I missed my A Levels, especially graphic design. Looking around me, I felt out of place and alone on my course. I, for some reason, felt miles behind everybody else and I didn’t have the interest in the subject that I originally thought I had. I knew I had to do something, and soon.

So, just two weeks into my new course, I was looking into other universities for graphic design and that is where I found Falmouth. Using the Falmouth University website to read up on the course, I immediately felt a connection, like I belonged on that course, far more than I had ever felt for marine biology. After doing some more research, I knew Falmouth was the place I wanted to be, so I put in my applications and by the next year, I was starting my brand new course. I genuinely feel that was one of the best decisions I ever made.

Some tips and takeaways

If you’re worried about a change of plans or about things straying off the path, my main message to you is this: it’s ok! I have absolutely loved my time at Falmouth and I could sing its praises all day, but really I’m just grateful for my whole experience, including my time at Exeter. You see, if that hadn’t happened and if I'd come straight to Falmouth, sure I would’ve saved a bit of time and money, but I wouldn’t have met any of my friends at Glasney nor would I have made any of the extremely fun memories I did that year!

I can completely understand that feeling of anxiety around not doing something you originally thought you wanted or something you had planned for years in advance. It’s difficult, I know. But I really do believe that if you end up at Falmouth, as I did, you’re going to have some of the absolute best years of your life here. So things will be ok, I promise!

If you feel like you might struggle given the fact that you might not have anticipated this change of plans, Falmouth’s support systems are absolutely unmatched. I feel like a person here, not just a number. The Compass are fantastic for student advice and The Students' Union has some amazing services to help you settle in or feel supported.

The bottom line

The sooner you prepare for change, the better. One thing that really helped me was finding Falmouth early. If you’re coming to Falmouth despite it not being part of the original plans, do some research as soon as possible to make your life easier when you get here! It’s ok to go with plan B and, you never know, it could end up better than plan A! Thank you for reading and I hope you have a great time at Falmouth, I’m sure you’ll love it!


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