Why I chose to study Visual Communication online

17 June 2024

Blue and yellow spiral patterns
Anita Majid 6

Credit: Anita Majid

Type: Text
Category: Student stories, Studying

I'm Anita, a 24 year-old Iranian woman currently in my third year of study on Falmouth's online BA in Visual Communication. Prior to this, I completed a diploma programme focused on mathematics and physics. Unfortunately, due to religious beliefs, many people in Iran are banned from attending university by the government. I faced this challenge but did not give up on my education. To keep learning, I took several photography and graphic design courses and actively studied on my own.  

My passion for creative exploration began with photography, followed by graphic design. I've always been driven to learn many skills and combine knowledge from different areas to become a well-rounded creative, and the BA Visual Communication course at Falmouth perfectly aligns with this desire. It allows me to expand my skillset, unleash more creativity, and explore diverse materials, possibilities, and platforms – giving me the freedom to explore without being limited to a specific creative approach.  

Several factors led me to choose online study. Firstly, it allows me to stay at home and manage my personal commitments with minimal disruption. Additionally, online learning offers significant cost advantages in terms of living expenses and tuition fees. Finally, I appreciate the extended access to course content and the opportunity to connect with a global network of learners.

The course has enabled me to expand my network with industry leaders worldwide and offers a balanced mix of academic and industry expertise. 

But finding online art and design bachelor's degrees with strong supportive communities, weekly online meetings and affordable tuition can be challenging. After months of searching through Google and various platforms, I felt discouraged. Thankfully, I finally discovered Falmouth University, which offered everything I was looking for in one place. 

I applied through Clearing, and as I was unfamiliar with the process, it seemed quite confusing and difficult. However, my experience improved significantly when I contacted the university. Tamsin, the course advisor, and Rebecca, the applicant services officer, were incredibly helpful. Additionally, I had the opportunity to attend a webinar where the course leader was present to answer any course-related questions. Their guidance and the comprehensive information provided made the Clearing process much smoother and more manageable for me.  

What I have enjoyed most about my time on the course is its modern content, supported by accessible online tutors, module leaders, and a course leader who provides practical feedback through group meetings and one-on-one sessions. The course has enabled me to expand my network with industry leaders worldwide and offers a balanced mix of academic and industry expertise. The online studio facilitates interaction with peers, and the course's valuable resources and freedom to explore various disciplines, methods, and mediums are inspiring and valuable.  

What truly sets this course apart is its focus on preparing students for the professional world. Throughout the program, there's a strong emphasis on developing entrepreneurial skills, professional work ethic, and the confidence to enter the industry successfully. This aspect of the course has been particularly valuable in boosting my confidence in professional communication and solidifying my aspirations for the future. By bridging the gap between academic learning and real-world application, the course ensures students are well-prepared to thrive in their chosen fields after graduation. 

I wouldn't trade studying online for anything. The flexibility it offers has allowed me to travel, attend various courses, take on different projects, and pursue my dreams, all while successfully balancing my studies with other commitments. This experience provides unique freedom, enabling me to stay always connected to my coursework, regardless of my location. The opportunity to meet and interact with people from around the world has been incredibly inspiring. It's fascinating to be influenced by my own surroundings while also being inspired by peers in different places. The diverse perspectives and experiences I've encountered have enriched my learning experience beyond what I could have imagined.  

One of the most exciting aspects of this course is that online learning doesn't confine us solely to digital outcomes; I've found that I'm fully able to create physical work without any restrictions and easily share it online. Whether it is artwork or prototypes, this flexibility not only encourages creativity but also enhances the learning experience by enabling me to explore different mediums and forms of expression. 

Studying online has opened a world of possibilities for me that I never thought were feasible.

The course community has been a lifesaver for me. On days when I feel stuck or confused, connecting with my peers regularly makes me feel supported and part of something bigger.  haring resources and knowledge during webinars and in the online studio has not only boosted our creative skills and industry knowledge but also forged meaningful connections between us. Being able to share experiences, collaborate on projects, and get real-time feedback makes the course community a cornerstone of my learning.

The course team has been equally incredible, ensuring I have everything I need to succeed, and they've even helped me with challenges outside of the coursework. Their dedication to creating a welcoming and inclusive environment for all students is evident in everything they do, and the level of support is unlike anything I've experienced before. I truly feel valued at every stage of my learning journey. Additionally, the fantastic student advisors and other university staff have been equally supportive, always ready to offer help and guidance whenever needed. The combination of support and independence offered in this course has empowered me to excel academically while also developing confidence and resilience to navigate life's challenges.  

I attended an in-person event last year which was incredibly inspiring and motivating. Meeting my peers and course staff in person, experiencing the university environment, and participating in workshops were all invaluable and enjoyable aspects of the event. While I couldn't attend every event, the generosity of the course team and my peers in sharing their learnings and experiences ensured I didn't miss out on the sense of community.  

Studying online has opened a world of possibilities for me that I never thought were feasible. Whether it's traveling, participating in programs, or spending time with friends and family, I can do it all without falling behind in my studies. The freedom and flexibility have empowered me to lead a fulfilling and balanced life, seamlessly integrating my personal and academic responsibilities. 

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