What's it like to study at a creative University
13 December 2023

This piece was written by BA(Hons) Fashion Marketing student Mairead about her experiences of studying at a creative university.
As I reflect on the past year and a half I’ve spent studying at Falmouth University, I feel compelled to share with others how many opportunities and experiences I've had, which made the move to Cornwall so worth it. Although it might seem a random place for a University and a bit out of the way of everything else, once you get here, you totally get what makes it so special!
One of the main things I love about my course and a factor I considered positive whilst applying, was the corroboration and collaboration between courses and departments. The University encourages collaboration between students, allowing us to experiences diverse disciplines and learn from others. It is also more like real life - you don’t go into work and do everything by yourself alongside people who are doing the exact same thing as you. If you feel that your course doesn’t meet your collaborative needs or wants, you are free to go to as many Wednesday Open Workshops as you'd like. These are workshops that allow you to explore different skills from across all the different departments at the University, from 3D scanning and digitising, to costumed life drawing.
Studying at Falmouth is not only about the academics, but it is a great social experience, as you live and work alongside like-minded creatives, often making friends for life. Both the Penryn Campus and the Falmouth Campus are always buzzing with an infectious energy, fuelled by the students who study here. The University offers so many paths and careers, by encouraging innovation and different perspectives.
Falmouth has a passionate community of students, with the Students' Union running 140+ societies, from sea swimming and surfing, to beekeeping, video gaming, African Caribbean and Pride. The SU, alongside running the societies, also offers confidential support & advice, volunteering & fundraising opportunities and social events. The SU offers its members the chance to be politically active, to represent their community and to get their voice heard.
Falmouth's idyllic location in Cornwall will never leave you short of inspiration. The stunning landscapes, the rugged coastline and the rich cultural heritage, which is very welcoming to people from all backgrounds and communities, will make you feel right at home. Students are free to explore this heritage in their own time or through the ResLife trips that are put on. These trips include, but aren’t limited to, The Tate St Ives, The Eden Project, The National Maritime Museum and The Newlyn Art Gallery. The scenic backdrop we are so lucky to have nearby puts all of Falmouth’s students in a unique place, where they can draw inspiration from their surroundings. In fact, Falmouth University encourages its student to explore and draw from the richness of their surroundings.
The expertise of the academic and technical staff in all of the departments at Falmouth is outstanding. Their guidance and mentorship are invaluable to me and to many other students. They provide us not only with theoretical knowledge, but also practical insights rooted in real-world industry experiences. The University’s robust industry networks further boost your connections to the real world. It offers students invaluable opportunities to connect with professionals, intern at renowned companies and showcase their talents on a global platform. It is only November as I write this and already I’ve had four guest lecturers that have all connected with me on LinkedIn, offered me advice and given me feedback on my work.
To sum up, Falmouth University is a place where creativity meets community, fostering an environment that nurtures, challenges and inspires. For those seeking a creative environment and an enriching experience, Falmouth is definitely a front runner for your first choice.