Why I chose to study my master’s at Falmouth University

29 May 2024

MA Graphic Design students chatting around a table
Postgraduate students around a desk
Type: Text
Category: Student work

Hi! I’m Jadelle, a postgraduate student at Falmouth University, studying Music Business MA.  

I first moved to Falmouth in 2020, to study for my undergraduate degree - Popular Music BA. As my degree was coming to an end, I realised I wasn't quite ready to leave Falmouth, so began to investigate the Music Business MA course. At the time considering the master's, I succeeded more with practical projects rather than academic ones, so this was my biggest worry about studying as a postgraduate student. 

However, after speaking to the course team, I felt reassured that this was something I could thrive in as a student who prefers the practical elements of learning. It was after this conversation that I decided to apply for the master's, because I knew this was a course that would push my skills and grow my knowledge and allow me to become the best version of myself.  

As I had so many opportunities to experience different elements to possible careers during my undergraduate degree, I wanted to use the master's to really delve into what I wanted to do with my future. With a supportive course leader Simon Poole, I knew that anything was possible for the next 12 months, and any opportunities or new ideas that arose I would take. So far into my master's degree, many doors have been opened. At the start of the year, I spent the day at BBC Studios in London, sitting in on the Live Lounge as it’s what I plan to do with my final portfolio. This was all possible due to the encouragement from academics.    

I also wanted to continue my studies here at Falmouth as our campuses have amazing facilities that, as a master's student, I would continue to have access to. My undergrad was based in AMATA (the Academy of Music and Theatre Arts) and doing the Music Business MA meant I still had access to all the rehearsal spaces, recording studios, and stores as well as our own master's suite. On top of this, there's also the 24/7 library, located in the exchange, and bookable study spaces across campus.  

For me, the biggest difference between the Music Business MA and the Popular Music BAPopular Music BA was the practical side of the courses. Throughout both degrees, the projects have been quite student-led, allowing us to choose what to do for our projects. So, whilst I could still have chosen to go down the performing route if I desired, during the master's I chose to focus on honing new skills in a business and marketing sense. I focused on building my brand and business, through creating a podcast and my own live lounge. I wanted to take this year to utilise the resources and academic knowledge available to me to focus on more business focused aspects such as marketing strategies, collaborative projects and essay writing. 

This year has allowed me to develop my expertise in ways that I could never have imagined. I started this course as a student who loved creating and performing music but struggled with writing and some of the skills related more to academia. I’m now finishing as a student who has developed so much in my writing and critical thinking skills that I’m now planning to do a PhD in 2025.  

My goal is to work as a broadcasting presenter, and I feel the Music Business master's has really prepared me to work in my chosen industry. Over the course of the degree, I have been able to make invaluable industry connections within radio, do my placement at BBC Studios, and collaborate with another student who shares an interest in podcasting. All this, plus the experience I will continue to get through my final project, is setting me up for my future career. 

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