Senior Lecturer, Television

Matthew is a socially-minded Senior Lecturer who applies innovative and inclusive teaching methods that communicate a passion for the creative screen industries, sub-cultures, equality, and diversity.

Matthew works across both the Film, and the Television and Film Production degrees at Falmouth University. Matthew is the module leader for the third year 'Dissertation' module on Film and he also leads the second year 'Artistry' and 'Impact' modules on Television and Film Production

Matthew has conducted extensive research and published papers that seek to better understand how community and citizen journalism initiatives are being used by regionally marginalised individuals as self-advocacy tools.

Matthew is also a freelance audio producer for the BBC where he regularly produces Cornish features for the flagship BBC Radio 4 Arts programme Front Row.

Matthew’s personal interests include: cycling, open-water swimming, contemporary arts, cinema, popular culture, literature, current affairs and community development initiatives.

Matthew Rogers

Contact details



Year Qualification Awarding body
2008 BA(Hons) Broadcasting 1st University College Falmouth
2016 PGCHE Falmouth University
2021 Avid Certified User Pro Tools

Honors and awards

Year Description

Charles Parker Prize


Santander Social Enterprise Development Award

Membership of external committees

Community Media Association

Research Interests

Research interests and expertise

  • Citizen Journalism
  • Audio Media
  • Social Innovation
  • Human Geography

Research Outputs

Publications and research outputs

  • Matthew Rogers

    Michael Leyshon, (2020), Designing for Inclusivity: Platforms of Protest and Participation, In: The City of Digital Social Innovators, Urban Planning, Vol 5, No 4, pp. 33-44
  • Matthew Rogers

    (2023), Enthusiasms of Scale: model boat clubs of Cornwall, Youtube


Areas of teaching

  • Television
  • Sound Design
  • Film
  • Journalism

Courses taught

  • Television & Film Production BA(Hons)
  • BA(Hons) Film

Policy engagement within Cornwall

Engagement with organisations which contribute to the development of educational, cultural or socio-economic policies in Cornwall

Matthew founded the community radio station, Source FM, in 2008. Source FM is a not-for-profit, open-access, community radio station for the residents of Falmouth, Penryn and the surrounding rural areas. As well as hosting live outside broadcasts that support local events, Source FM also runs training sessions for Falmouth University students and the wider community, with a view to encouraging them to produce a radio programme for the station.

Matthew was part of a Social Innovation Group (SIG) project evaluation team in 2021 who completed participant interviews and research to evaluate the impact of a project called 'Your Shore - Beach Rangers'. Beach Rangers was funded by the National Lottery Community Fund as part of the Our Bright Future programme.

Professional Engagement

Independent professional practice

Matthew works as a Freelance Audio Producer. His work often features on the BBC Radio 4 flagship Arts programme Front Row, most recently Matthew produced features on the St Just Ordinalia (Sept 2021); the reopening on the Hall for Cornwall (Oct 2021); and an exhibition at Kresen Kernow called ‘Habitats as Heritage’ based on the work of Marianne North.

Listen to the Ordinalia feature here

Listen to the Hall for Cornwall feature here

Listen to the Habitats as Heritage feature here

Social, community and cultural engagement

'Parklive 2013' - A series of six unique, acoustic, free, daytime, live music events from Kimberley Park on a Sunday afternoon, for six consecutive months throughout the spring and summer of 2013.

'Parklive 2014' - A planned series of six unique, acoustic, free, daytime, live music and spoken word events from Kimberley Park on a Sunday afternoon, for six consecutive months throughout the spring and summer of 2014.

'Parklive 2015' - A planned series of six unique, acoustic, free, daytime, live music and spoken word events from Kimberley Park on a Sunday afternoon, for six consecutive months throughout the spring and summer of 2015.