Lecturer, Robotics BSc(Hons)

After recieving a masters in Robotics Engineering from Plymouth University, I have worked on a variety of robotics research projects including using compliant robot manipulators to harvest tomatoes in greenhouses ini China, and mobile robotics for navigation and harvest in cauliflower fields in Cornwall. These projects provided great exposure to the specific field of agricultural robotics and have served as a basis for further work being undertaken at Falmouth University in the area of daffodil maturity assessment and harvesting.

I currently teach a module called Digital Prototyping which introduces second year Robotics students to many advanced techniques and concepts required in the design of physical systems designed for automatic operation. This is made possible using the equipment of both campuses, and helps maintain links to the more traditional creative pursuits of the Falmouth Campus. I also actively encourage robotics students to build links with students of other courses which helps to uncover hidden opportunities to express their broad skillset in interdisciplinary teams and break down barriers to their own success.

My current projects include robotic agricultural platforms and smaller robots designed to be used in classrooms to aid in delivering computing specific subject content in engaging ways.

Lecturer, Robotics BSc(Hons)

Contact details



Year Qualification Awarding body
2018 MEng (Hons) Robotics University of Plymouth

Membership of external committees

I am an active member of the IET

Business Engagement

Business start ups

I founded Kernow Robotics in 2019 to develop autonomous hardware. We specifically target our R&D socio-economic issues faced in Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly