Assistant Technician - Printmaking

Training to be part of the next generation of Technicians, Amelia graduated from Falmouth University Fine Art in 2022 and joined the team in 2023. Her role at the University is to help students achieve their printmaking goals, providing support to senior technicians and exploring print in order to further her own knowledge and experience. An avid printmaker she specialises in Reduction Woodcuts staring her favourite feathered friends. Her work is all about birds, be they more traditional portraits or strange mutant hybrid figures.

External Links

Amelia Johnson headshot

Contact details



Year Qualification Awarding body
2022 BA Hons Fine Art Falmouth University
2019 Foundation Degree Art and Design King Edward VI Community College

Honors and awards

Year Description

Student Prize - British Art Medal Society - G W Lunts Winner of 2021 for medal 'Of Cavities and Hollows'.

Research Interests

Research interests and expertise

  • Woodcut
  • Screenprint
  • Etching
  • Drypoint
  • Letterpress
  • Mono-Print