Locating Tranquillity: New Understandings for Landscape Management

We all think we know what “tranquillity” means. But how do we find it? And how can organisations that manage rural landscapes ensure it can be found?  

a narrow wooden path through high, grassy sand dunes

Project details

Project lead Laura Hodsdon
Start date 1 October 2024
End date 31 March 2025

This project is a collaboration between Falmouth’s Centre for Heritage, Culture & Society, Centre for Arts & Health, and Cornwall National Landscape. It is the first step in a broader programme of work exploring the intersections of health, creativity, culture & heritage, and rural landscapes.  

While “tranquillity” is a widely used term with a common-sense meaning, thinking about how to maintain and create the conditions for tranquillity in people and place is less straightforward. Where does “tranquillity” happen, and (how) can it be made to happen? Much existing research focuses narrowly on descriptive characteristics of place such as noise levels, light pollution, or number of buildings. This may be a starting point, but we think it doesn’t go far enough in equipping landscape management organisations to preserve and create tranquillity in a real, tangible way for a wide range of people. In this project we unpick assumptions – whether based on different uses of the term, subjective experiences based on individual or demographic characteristics, or other complex associations – to make practical recommendations on how landscape management can best create tranquil experiences for everyone.  

To begin to answer these questions, the project team is undertaking a transdisciplinary literature and policy review and analysis of Cornwall National Landscape’s Management Plan, to provide practical recommendations and identify areas for further research.  


Project team

Associate Professor in Heritage, Culture & Society

Dr Laura Hodsdon

Associate Professor in Heritage, Culture & Society

Dr Laura Hodsdon is Associate Professor in Heritage, Culture & Society, working on heritage and ...

Dr Laura Hodsdon

Dr Sarah Riviere

Senior Lecturer, Architecture BA(Hons)

An architect, teacher and architectural researcher specialising in the design of residential and soc...

Dr Sarah Riviere

Drummond Masterton

Head of Architecture and Design

Drummond trained as a 3D designer, at Grays School of Art, Aberdeen and at postgraduate level at the...

Drummond Masterton

Anna Mankee-Williams

Associate Professor, Arts and Health

Anna is an Associate Professor in Arts and Health. Anna has 22 years’ experience in the health sec...

Anna Mankee-Williams


  • Cornwall National Landscape 


We are grateful to Cornwall National Landscape and Research England for the funding enabling this work.