Healthy Relationships Resources

Looking for educational resources to improve outcomes regarding healthy relationships and violence against women and girls (VAWG)? Explore a selection of creative, tried, and tested campaigns and educational resources from our talented students and partners that are available to use across the UK.
Available resources

Do Not Ignore The Signs
Suitable for Colleges & Universities.

Three Brave Monkeys
Suitable for Key Stage 2. Primary Schools.
In 2023 Safer Cornwall produced two campaigns to raise awareness of unhealthy relationships and behaviours amongst college and university level students. In addition to one KS2 primary level teaching resource to inform learning about healthy relationships.
With additional funding Safer Cornwall and Falmouth University have been able to reproduce these campaigns and make them available for colleges and youth groups nationwide.
Do Not Ignore The Signs
This campaign uses the classic iconography and visual impact of road signs to get messages across and raise awareness in campus environments of negative behaviours associated with unhealthy relationships. It encourages young people to both listen to and look out for each other using the tag line ‘friends often see the signs before you do’. Through using life size 3D signs around campus and desk top signs in classrooms the campaign is accompanied by posters, a series of animations and an online quiz which can be hosted on an institutional learning platform and used in classrooms or informal teaching environments to stimulate conversation and debate.
- Set of A4 and A3 posters to download
- Six animations
- Digital screen pdf/jpeg x10 to download
- Ten large 3D ‘road signs’
- 150 small 3D desktop ‘road signs’ (ten designs)
- An online quiz
- Package Cost: £800 for 1 term. Includes transportation of the road signs and use of all the above material for a term.
- Package Cost: £1,000 for 2 terms. Includes transportation of the road signs and use of all the above material for a term.
Do Not Ignore the Signs © 2023 by Safer Cornwall in partnership with Falmouth University (Theo Nicholas Gaimster) is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0

heart to heart
This campaign uses the concept of a playing card game to engage and encourage young people to open up and discuss the issues surrounding healthy and unhealthy relationships. It is accompanied by an extensive online quiz, which can be hosted on an institutional learning platform and used to explore a broad range of topics. It uses words and visuals specifically designed to engage young people by talking their language, encouraging them to discuss and share their experiences and thoughts with peers.
- PDF of cards to print. Downloadable A4 posters, online quiz, online resources, lesson plans: £10
- Three packs of cards. Downloadable A4 posters, online quiz, online resources, lesson plans: £48
- Ten packs of cards. Downloadable A4 posters, online quiz, online resources, lesson plans: £80
- 100 packs of cards. Downloadable A4 posters, online quiz, online resources, lesson plans: £390
View available online resources
Heart to Heart © 2023 by Safer Cornwall in partnership with Falmouth University (Annie Gault and Michaela Horova) is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0
Three Brave Monkeys
In a world where relationships play a pivotal role in the life of every individual, teaching students how to navigate them safely and constructively becomes vital, this resource promises a better, more understanding future for our young learners.
The three wise monkeys from Japan stand as a symbol for the age-old principle: “see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil”. This principle has been turned into a tool for building healthy relationships, as students are taught to
- ‘See’—observe behaviours and situations as they unfold;
- ‘Hear’—understand intentions and the tone behind words; and
- ‘Speak’—voice out feelings, set boundaries, and engage in open communication.
An engaging fortune teller tool has been created that presents various scenarios, encouraging students to employ the three monkeys as a response mechanism. By engaging with these scenarios, they prepare themselves to face both positive and negative situations in real life.
To complement this, Barnardo’s has curated a lesson plan that includes the cutting and making of the fortune teller.
- Downloadable fortune teller: £2
- Downloadable fortune teller. Lesson plan: £10
View available online resources
Three Brave Monkeys © 2023 by Safer Cornwall in partnership with Falmouth University (Pietro Ferrari) and Barnardo’s is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0