The AIR Building (Academy for Innovation & Research)
The Academy of Innovation & Research (AIR) is designed to encourage and celebrate Open Innovation. To us, Open Innovation means cooperating with partners outside our sector, with other businesses, other markets and end-users. It means recognising that not all good ideas come from within our own disciplines. It means challenging traditional HE structures, methods and roles. It heralds the value of design thinking and the need to adopt transdisciplinary models that stimulate invention and disruption.
The overarching aim of AIR is to create spaces where people from across the University and beyond can come to collaborate, share new ideas, innovate and play.
Our spaces & facilities
Upper floor
Visitor hospitality area: This is a small hospitality area for preparing coffee, tea, water and cold drinks and is designed to cater for staff working on the upper floor of AIR, as well as the many internal and external visitors who come to the building. A larger hospitality area is available on the lower floor of AIR.
Informal seating: There are a number of soft seating areas around the office that can be used for informal meetings or as visitor waiting areas.
The Big Space: This boardroom-style room is designed to be used for hosting larger meetings of up to 12 people.
Headspaces 1 & 2: These meeting rooms are located adjacent to the visitor hospitality area and are designed for individual quiet work or small meetings for up to 4 people. The rooms are deliberately glazed with clear sliding doors so that these spaces remain as open and transparent aspossible.
The Round Table: The round table adjacent to Headspaces 1 & 2 offers temporary desk space for up to 6 people on a first come first served basis.
Meeting pods: There are 2 meeting pods, which can accommodate up to 4 people each. These are available to use on a first come, first served basis.
Lower floor: Open:AIR
More information
Research Facilities
Falmouth has made a significant investment in research facilities and infrastructure.
European Funding
Over the past 18 years, Falmouth University has benefited from over £100 million of European struct...