Photography lecturer’s new exhibition exploring ‘havens’ of NHS workers opens in Scotland
09 July 2024

Documentary & Editorial Photography BA lecturer Lottie Davies has presented her new exhibition entitled Havens: Stories and Portraits from NHS Lothian at an art gallery in Edinburgh.
The exhibition, in collaboration with fellow award-winning photographer Craig Easton, documents the ‘havens’ of NHS Lothian staff. The exhibition displays imposing, but intimate, large-scale portraits, still lives and personal testimony document the ‘havens’ of NHS Lothian staff; the places where they find time for quiet in their hectic workdays.
There is a wide range of areas that the NHS staff head to for a moment of solace, from a pool table at Haddington ambulance station, a bacon roll and a quick cup of tea before getting back to work, right through to spending time in the beautiful Cyrenians garden.
Artists Lottie and Craig spent 18 months in residence and interviewed over 70 members of staff for the project. The result is a collection of photographs and stories that give insight to the wellbeing and mental health needs of all those working in healthcare.

The exhibition is on at the Stills: Centre for Photography in the centre of Edinburgh and will run until 13 July.