Online Film & Television community enjoy Edinburgh International Film Festival
06 September 2022

Students on Falmouth’s online Film & Television MA course recently gathered at the Edinburgh International Film Festival. The trip gave the online community a chance to meet in person, network and enjoy a celebration of innovative, global filmmaking.
Networking is vital in the filmmaking industry, and the creative industries in general. So, optional face-to-face events are offered to students on all of Falmouth’s online courses, bringing staff, students and industry specialists together for in-person collaboration.
The trip to Edinburgh International Film Festival marked the 75th edition of one of the world's largest global celebrations of screen. For three days in August the cohort watched films from around the world, spanning drama, documentary and experimental film. The group also attended several question-and-answer sessions with actors, directors and critics, which offered useful connections to successful industry professionals.
Learning Design Kenny, who hails from Edinburgh, also treated everyone to a tour around the city. The tour included paying a visit to one of the now famous backstreets from the introduction to Danny Boyle's explosive film Trainspotting.
Not only was it a great chance to see what’s happening in the industry, network, and find some inspiration, but it also helped me to develop a stronger rapport with my course colleagues.
On the value of these kinds of trips to online students at Falmouth, course leader Jem Mackay told us: “I believe it is crucial for students to keep up with what is happening currently in filmmaking, whatever type of film they want to make. That’s why we organise these kinds of events; to encourage students to visit film festivals. Of course, the other main point of face-to-face events is the opportunity to network. Networking can be hard for some people, but it’s something that can be practiced in a relatively safe environment, and it is vital for finding inroads into either the film industry or academia”.
One of the students on the trip was Rich Scott. He told us: “The trip to Edinburgh Film Festival was amazing. Not only was it a great chance to see what’s happening in the industry, network, and find some inspiration, but it also helped me to develop a stronger rapport with my course colleagues. Kenny from the Learning Technology department - who looks after our excellent virtual learning environment - was even kind enough to give us a guided tour of the city. The course has been great so far, and this trip has certainly been a highlight. I’m really looking forward to the next one!”
Future plans for face-to-face events for students include a trip to Berlin Film Festival in February 2023, and workshops on Falmouth’s Penryn Campus in June 2023.