Lecturer to release landmark book examining South African photography
02 September 2024

Lecturer Dr Simon A. Clarke is set to release his book, Life Itself: Photography and South Africa, published by Reaktion Books.
The book charts the photographic history of South Africa from colonialism to democracy, showcasing images from early European photographers through to modern work by the country’s young photographers.
Simon’s research and archive of African artefacts and photographs are also featured in the international touring exhibition Africa Fashion curated by the V&A currently being showcased at the Field Museum, Chicago and then at the Musee du quai Branly, Paris in 2025.
Simon's research for the book Life Itself has unearthed new material—particularly a wealth of original research from 1834 through to apartheid in the 1950s—and it is the first of its kind to tell the full story of South African photography from its inception to the present day.
The book not only provides the history of photography but also offers a comprehensive narrative of South Africa’s history, as seen through the photographic image.
Simon lived in Africa in the 1990s and has engaged in research and fieldwork in South Africa, Kenya, Tanzania, Zanzibar and Madagascar. His fieldwork for the book Life Itself has included interviews with some of South Africa's leading photographers, such as the late David Goldblatt, Omar Badsha, Roger Ballen and Paul Weinberg among many others.
The book will be released on 1st February 2025 and is already available for pre-order from Amazon and Waterstones.
About Simon
Simon A. Clarke lives and works in West Penwith, Cornwall. Simon has lived in Africa, lecturing in fine art at Kenyatta University. His relationship with the continent is ongoing where photography plays a central role in his creative practice, fieldwork and research. In South Africa, he has also developed his own photography essays. Simon is the author of several art and design publications and self-published books on his photography and digital projects (surreal explorations into environment, industry, science and the future). He has exhibited and lectured overseas and his work is featured in international publications. Artefacts and photographs from his archive are currently displayed in the touring exhibition Africa Fashion by the V&A Museum.