Interiors that are Lit
02 December 2019
Interior Design students have been playing with light and architecture to transform some of the notable buildings on Falmouth Campus.
As part of an industry-led project, students worked with professional lighting designers from local lighting experts, The Lighting People, as well as professional from across the UK, to explore how lighting can transform spaces and places.
Their work was in response to briefs which were inspired by words produced by Creative Writing students, so the finished installations were a fascinating collaborative outcome.
Students from Photography courses at Falmouth took the opportunity to capture the stunning visuals.
Interior Design Course Leader, Fay Freeman, said of the project, "We facilitate hands-on opportunities and real experiences whenever possible. This was a great chance for our students to work with specialists to explore the creative possibilities of lighting effects, here on our stunning campus.
Not only that, it was great to see the students networking with one another, as well as gaining some great industry contacts."