Guest Live-stream at Games Academy

07 April 2020

Jack Williams live streaming to Games Academy students
Type: Text

Guest appearances don’t stop because of lockdown. Last Friday the Games Academy ran a live-stream event with Jack Williams, Environment Artist at Project Gamechanger, an indie games company based in Amsterdam.

Jack graduated from Falmouth’s Games Academy two years ago with a BA(Hons) Game Development:Art. Since then he has been working freelance and for small creative indie developers.

Speaking to students Jack explained how he’s been coping with the current crisis and how it’s affected team morale and working practices, as well as giving timely advice to the many Games Academy third years who will soon be seeking to follow in his footsteps.

Games Academy Director, Dr Douglas Brown told us, “Jack had been planning to speak with students at an Expo event that we have unfortunately had to cancel due to Covid-19. To ensure students do not miss out, we are gradually rearranging and sharing the talks that would have been a part of it. We really appreciate the continued involvement of guest speakers like Jack. Students still get as much of the content as we can possibly give them and continue to benefit from the guest’s experience and advice.”