HESA Notices
The Higher Education Statistics Agency (HESA) is the official agency for the collection, analysis and dissemination of quantitative information about higher education in the UK. It was set up by agreement between relevant government departments, the higher education funding councils and universities and colleges.
HESA gathers information from higher education institutions in the UK at the request of various statutory customers, such as the Department for Innovation, Universities and Skills and the Higher Education Funding Council for England. The data gathered is processed by HESA into a form suitable for each statutory customer, and is also used to produce statistics.
Like other higher education institutions, Falmouth University has to routinely pass certain personal data on staff and current and former students to HESA and HESA's agents and contractors. Falmouth University also contacts recent graduates on HESA's behalf to conduct the Destination of Leavers from Higher Education (DLHE) survey or Graduate Outcomes survey from 2018. These transfers of data are required by law and are also a condition of Falmouth University's funding.
HESA has produced collection notices which higher education institutions are advised to make available to students and staff. The notices explain why personal data has to be transferred to HESA and what HESA does with the data.
Links to HESA's Student Collection Notice, Staff Collection Notice and collections notice for the DLHE survey or Graduate Outcomes survey from 2018 are provided below. The notices and additional information on how HESA processes personal data are available on the Data Protection section of HESA's website.
Please contact Falmouth University's Information Officer if you have questions or concerns relating to Falmouth University's transfer of data to HESA: informationoffice@falmouth.ac.uk
Falmouth University is committed to processing the personal data of staff and students in accordance with the Data Protection Act. Our Data Protection Policy provides further information on this commitment.
HESA has provided the following statements on the collection and use of personal data from students and staff. The "We" referred to in the statements refers to Falmouth University. (Following these links will take you to the HESA website).