Multifaith Chaplaincy

The Multifaith Chaplaincy is here for students and staff of all faiths – and of no faith. You are welcome in our spaces, students often drop-in for pastoral or spiritual care, for a moment of peace or meditation, or simply for a rest and a nice cup of tea.
On the Falmouth campus, you will find us in our cosy room in the Fox Building. At Penryn, we are located in Tremough Barton Cottage 8 and there is also a dedicated Muslim Prayer Room in Tremough House. Don’t hesitate to get in touch if you would like a tour of our spaces.
We have a multifaith chaplain and a team of friendly volunteers from different faiths and churches, all providing leadership, guidance, and looking out for people’s religious needs. Together, we like to get involved in conversations and debates around faith and its role in higher education.
Finding your faith
We use our connections with Cornwall Faith Forum to link students and staff with smaller faith communities. So, if you’d like some guidance, just get in touch.
How to find us
Penryn: 8 Tremough Barton Cottages
Falmouth: Fox Building
T: 01326 370744
M: 07765 694884
W: Chaplaincy webpage