Outgoing Study Abroad Students

Your opportunities are vast and exciting thanks to our partnerships with European and worldwide universities.
The Turing Scheme
Falmouth University has been awarded funding through the Turing Scheme for the 2024-25 academic year. The Turing Scheme is the UK government's global programme to study and work abroad. The scheme provides funding for international opportunities in education and training across the world. Falmouth will keep eligible students updated on the progress of our funding bid for the 2025-26 academic year.
What is Study Abroad?
First year students have the opportunity to apply for Study Abroad in their second year at university for one semester. Exchanges are hosted by our international partner universities and you will not be required to pay tuition fees to your host university as you will continue paying your fees to Falmouth University. Each year Falmouth University bids for Turing Scheme funding to support students on study abroad, on top of their existing student loan.
Studying abroad FAQs
The Study Abroad programme is a tremendous opportunity to study overseas as part of your degree. Among the many professional and personal benefits, an exchange can help you:
- Enhance your employability. Employers value international experience in graduates.
- Maximise your degree by gaining new skills and perspectives on your subject.
- Develop new language skills and gain confidence in independent travel.
- Expand your network of friends and professional contacts.
- Explore a new culture and country.
Of course, your period abroad is something that you'll need to think about and prepare for. It will require flexibility, new skills, perseverance, and the understanding that an exchange may not suit everyone. A thorough investigation into your host university, city and country, before you leave the UK, can ensure that you're well-prepared for the culture you'll experience and that you're ready to participate in all aspects of being abroad.
For undergraduates, the window of opportunity to register for a study abroad exchange is in your first year between October and January, with the exchange semester taking place in your second year of study.
You may be able to choose which semester you study abroad or there may be restrictions based on your course. It is therefore essential that you discuss your exchange plans with an academic prior to registering for Study Abroad.
You have the option to study in Europe or internationally. Visit the Employability web page to see which of our partner universities are matched with your course.
Please note that it is not possible for you to apply to a university that is not listed as one of our current international partners. We also cannot guarantee that you will be nominated to or accepted by university choices, as each partner has limited places.
Need help choosing a Study Abroad destination? Here's some tips:
- Visit the host university website to research the courses and facilities.
- Gather feedback from your department and academic staff.
- Check the Employability service for Study Abroad events.

How do I apply to study abroad?
1. Registration: Complete the Online Study Abroad Registration form. The Go Abroad team will aim to match you with a suitable international partner from your choices (this is not guaranteed and you may be nominated to a different partner depending on available places).
2. Student Confirmation: After the deadline, the Go Abroad team will notify you of the exchange partner you have been matched with and ask you to accept the proposed nomination.
3. Academic Approval: The Go Abroad team will ask you course leader to confirm they are happy with the proposed exchange..
4. Nomination: Once your registration has been approved by your course leader, the Go Abroad team will nominate you the host institution. Please note that nomination does not guarantee you a place.
5. Application: If your nomination is accepted by the partner, either the partner university or the Go Abroad team will email you application instructions. You must then apply directly to the partner, following the instructions carefully, please note process and deadlines vary from partner to partner.
6. Paperwork: Once your application has been accepted, you’ll need to complete the compulsory Pre-Departure paperwork and obtain all the required signatures as instructed by the Go Abroad team.
For more detailed information on the application process, visit the Employability website Find out more
Additional information
Academic Credits
It is absolutely vital that you achieve the correct amount of credits at the correct level to pass your semester abroad and proceed into the next term at Falmouth. Ensure that your exchange modules reach or exceed the below:
- Australia (JMC Academy): 24 at level 2
- Europe and Japan: 30 ECTS at level 2
- Australia (Griffith University): 40 at level 2
- New Zealand and Singapore: 60 at level 2
- USA and Canada: 12-15 at level 3
When you return, the credits from your overseas modules will be transferred, however, grades are not, so this does result in greater weight being placed on your final year performance when deciding your overall degree classification. This means that your final degree classification will be calculated on the basis of your Level 6 (final year) results only, as per the Academic Regulations, which can be found here.
Academic Transcript
You may be asked to provide an academic transcript for your application. If your exchange is in Semester 1, you will not get your transcript until summer, so may need to provide a reference letter from your academic instead. However, for applications for a Semester 2 exchange you can request your transcript by emailing the Student Progression & Achievement team:
Any questions?
For application support, please contact the Employability Team: