Exempt Charity Information

Legal name: Falmouth University

Preferred name: Falmouth University

Correspondence address: Falmouth Campus, 25 Woodlane, Falmouth TR11 4RH

The University was established as a Higher Education Corporation on 1 April 1989 under the Education Reform Act 1988. The University is an exempt charity for the purposes of Part 3 of the Charities Act 2011. The University was incorporated as Falmouth School of Art and Design.

  • On 9 March 2004, the Privy Council granted the power to award taught degrees.
  • On 10 December 2012, the Privy Council granted consent to change the name to Falmouth University.

The University formally entered into registration with the Office for Students (OfS), the HE sector regulator, in September 2019.

The Office for Students and the Charity Commission published a Memorandum of Understanding in respect of the regulation of exempt charity Higher Education providers in June 2019.

Further information about University governance can be accessed here.

FX Plus' policies on environment and sustainability

Trade Union (Facility Time Publication Requirements) Regulations 2017

These regulations place a legislative requirement on relevant public sector employers to collate and publish, on an annual basis, a range of data on the amount and cost of facility time within their organisation to assure value for money.

Number of trade union representatives: 5
Percentage of working hours spent on facility time:

  • 0% of working hours: 1 representatives
  • 1 to 50% of working hours: 4 representatives
  • 51 to 99% of working hours: 0 representatives
  • 100% of working hours: 0 representatives

Percentage of pay spent on facility time: 0.01%
Percentage of total paid facility time hours spent on paid TU activities: 0.00%