Falmouth School of Art

Experience what it's like to study with Falmouth School of Art at an in-person Applicant Day.

Join us as we open our doors to show you why studying at Falmouth could be the perfect choice for you. During your Applicant Day, you'll get to meet the course team that could be teaching you, explore our campuses and facilities and meet current students.

Courses taught by Falmouth School of Art:

  • Drawing BA(Hons)
  • Fine Art BA(Hons)
  • Illustration BA(Hons)
  • Illustration BA(Hons) (Online)
  • Visual Communication BA(Hons) (Online)

Fine Art

What to expect on the day

Who will I meet?

Your Applicant Day will be run by Jonty Lees, Fine Art BA(Hons) Course Leader, unless you visit us on 28 February when the day will be run by Senior Lecturer Duncan Cameron.

What will I be doing at the Applicant Day?

You'll be invited to take part in a drawing exercise that spans the duration of the workshop, exploring drawing skills such as line, shape, form and scale using a variety of drawing materials. You'll also be able to keep any work produced in the workshop.

During the session you'll have the opportunity to get to know our course team, find out more about how the course is delivered and have all your questions answered.

This is a drop-in session, so if you have other commitments on the day, such as your interview, you can come and go as you wish.

Fine Art BA - generic image

Illustration sessions

What to expect on the day

During the afternoon of your Applicant Day, you'll be met by one of our Student Ambassadors and introduced to the Illustration BA(Hons) Course Leader, Nigel Owen. Nigel will then lead you through a series of taster sessions designed to give you an insight into what it's like to be an Illustration student at Falmouth

Taster sessions and timings

  • 13:30 - 14:30: Ideas Generation Lecture
  • 14.30 - 15.30: Media Experimentation Workshop 
  • 15.30 -16.30: Alternative Bookbinding Workshop 

The sessions will take place in the Second Year Illustration Studio, so you'll get a good sense of the studio culture at Falmouth. All of the materials that you will need will be provided.

These drop-in sessions have been designed so that you'll be able to leave if you have an allocated interview slot on that day and re-join the taster session afterwards. You'll leave with a small sample book of media experiments that you have made during the afternoon and a new awareness of how to generate visual ideas. 

This session differs from a conventional Open Day experience as it will give you a real sense of what it's like to be an Illustration student at Falmouth. It will focus on the two core components of the course, Ideas Generation and Media & Markmaking, within our amazing Illustration studios. It will also be an opportunity for you ask the course leader questions about the course or the subject of illustration more broadly. 


Drawing student sketching skull
Drawing student sketching skull

What to expect on the day

What to expect on the day

Applicant Day Workshop

You'll be invited to join our Memory Lane Drawing Workshop, where you'll have the opportunity to get to know our course team, chat with our staff and potentially meet some of our first-year students. 

What time is the workshop?

Applicant Day sessions will run from 13:30 - 16:30 and you can drop in whenever suits you best.

What will I be doing at the Applicant Day?

The workshop will take place in the First Year Studio (BA Drawing Studio 2), and you'll have the opportunity to work with a member of the Drawing course team to create a representation of their journey to Falmouth.

Working with A1 sheets of paper from memory and any images captured, the applicant will be encouraged to draw the sights and events of their travels to their Applicant Day using a range of drawing techniques and materials.

Take a virtual tour

Get a feel for our facilities and learning spaces by taking a virtual tour.

Any questions?

If you need to speak to someone about attending an Applicant Day, you can get in touch with us using the details below:

E: futurestudies@falmouth.ac.uk 
T: +44 (0)1326 254350 

Preparing for your interview?

Find out everything you need to know about choosing the right interview type for you, preparing for your interview, rescheduling your interview date and when you can expect the outcome of your interview.

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Students in a square on campus

Student Accommodation

Discover all you need to know about Falmouth University's range of student accommodation and our application process.

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Students chatting and hanging out in student bedroom.