Cornwall Business School

International Business Management

Experience what it's like to study with Cornwall Business School at Falmouth University by joining an in-person Applicant Day. 

During you Applicant Day, you'll discover all you need to know about studying a business, marketing or experience design course at Falmouth. You'll meet the course team that could be teaching you, explore our campuses and facilities and meet current students.

Courses taught by Cornwall Business School:

  • Business & Digital Marketing BSc(Hons)
  • Business & Marketing BSc(Hons) (Online)
  • Business Entrepreneurship & Innovation BSc(Hons)
  • Business Management BSc(Hons)
  • Creative Events Management BA(Hons)
  • Sustainable Festival Management BA(Hons)
  • Sustainable Tourism Management BA(Hons)

What to expect on the day

The afternoon is divided into three key sessions, each designed to introduce you to the course's academic structure, the course team and the overall student experience.

During the day, you'll have the opportunity to meet and talk with a range of staff and students from Cornwall Business School – including representatives from your chosen course. You'll end the day with a greater understanding of what to expect from your university experience.

Book your Applicant Day

Cornwall Business School at Falmouth University

Session one

In the first session, you'll discover all you need to know about Cornwall Business School as a whole, including approaches to learning and teaching, assessment and the student community. You'll learn how key themes and topics such as collaborative working, leadership and personal development are shared across the courses.

Session two

The second session will give you the chance to experience life as a Falmouth University student. You'll begin by attending a talk on a contemporary topic that's relevant to your course before getting involved in a series of group activities and interactive tasks. These activities will introduce you to a range of valuable skills, including analysis and creative problem solving.

Session three

During the final session of the day, you'll be provided with subject-specific information to help you understand the practicalities of studying with Cornwall Business School. You'll also be introduced to all the facilities that could be available to you during your studies at Falmouth.

Take a virtual tour

Get a feel for our facilities and learning spaces by taking a virtual tour.

Any questions?

If you need to speak to someone about attending an Applicant Day, you can get in touch with us using the details below:

T: +44 (0)1326 254350 

Student Accommodation

Discover all you need to know about Falmouth University's range of student accommodation and our application process.

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Student with book open on her lap chatting to another student in their room.