Policies and regulations are updated and reproduced annually, and may be subject to modifications during the academic year - you will be notified of any changes by email to your Falmouth email.

All of the current documents are available to download below and from the downloads section of the website.

If you are studying with one of the University's delivery partners, please also refer to the relevant documentation on the Collaborative Provision Regulations page for any important information relating to your studies at the partner institution.

If you have any questions or feedback, or you are not able to locate the information you require, please contact the Quality Assurance & Enhancement Team: qae@falmouth.ac.uk. Please also contact the Quality Assurance & Enhancement Team for copies of regulations, policies and procedures from previous academic years.

Student Terms & Conditions

For conditions that define the basis of the contractual agreement between you as the student and us as the University, visit the link below:

Student Terms & Conditions


Policies affecting students starting in academic year 2025/2026:

Policies are currently being addressed, and more will be updated before tenancies commence in September 2025.