Angus McLean Balbernie
Associate Lecturer, Choreography
Angus McLean Balbernie has created around 85 pieces, worked and taught around the earth, including many years at EDDC/artEZ Arnhem, Dartington College of Arts, and The Scottish School of Contemporary Dance. He is guest professor of Choreography at LEM Buenos Aires, and has lately been working as a lecturer in choreography at NSCD in the UK, but is now back in migratory mode. When not doing stuff he lives on a hill in Haute Provence, walks the mountains and plays the banjo left-handed, and really quite badly.
Academic interests/teaching themes
Choreography. Composition through the body. Directing. Taught choreography, composition and directing for many years at EDDC/artEZ Arnhem, The Scottish School Of Contemporary Dance and Dartington College of Arts, and as guest professor of choreography at KNUA, S Korea. Currently Acting Head of Choreography at Northern School of Contemporary Dance in the UK, and also teach a bit at LEM Buenos Aires and Falmouth University.
Research interests
Ongoing investigations into how somatic/perceptual systems and tunings are patterned and emergent in choreographic and compositional forms deeply wired into landscape and the wild.
Recent outputs
- November 2012 Commissioned to create new work for Verve in UK
- August/September 2012 Finale of "Unter Uns" project with Silke Z / Resistdance. Tanzhaus Dusseldorf
- March/April 2012 Performing "Jess Triftt Angus" in California
- November 2011 Commissioned to create new piece "Boussoles, Criminels et Connaissance Charnelle" with Guillaume Choinard for Studio 303, Montreal
- May/June 2011 Performer/deviser for "Ghost" Project. Houng-min Kim and Tommi Zeuggin. Uferstudios, Berlin
- May/June 2011 Continuing performing and developing "Jess meets Angus", Essen, Bonn , Berlin
- April 2011 Created and directed new piece "...hereafter in my cage among the other singing birds..." for graduate dancers at The North Wall Arts Centre, Oxford
- March 2011 Performed two nights "Jess Meets Angus" Vilnius, Lithuania
- February 2011 "This Door Is Too Small For A Bear". Two nights of duet improvisation with Andrew Morrish. St 11 Koln
Selected earlier outputs
Over last 30 years I've made 75+ pieces, taught, performed and mountain-walked across Europe, N+S America, Canada and Asia.
Current projects/forthcoming outputs
- Acting Head of Choreography and Creative Studies for six months at Northern School of Contemporary Dance, UK
- Involved in "Unter Uns" project Aug/Sept Tanzhaus Dusseldorf
- Creating new work for Verve in UK, November