Falmouth student designs latest edition of Petra Collins’ ‘OMG I’m Being Killed’

17 April 2024

Alexa Rayner

Third-year Fashion Photography BA(Hons) student Alexa Rayner has designed the latest edition of Petra Collins’ fashion magazine titled ‘OMG I’m Being Killed’.  

Commissioned by Sandra Leko, The Face Magazine, whom she’d been in touch with since she’d started university, Alexa was thrilled to be working on the second edition of the magazine.  

The book explores Collins’ interest in cult culture and how femininity is performed. There are featured works by Mario Ayala and Moni Howarth, while the double cover stars Holly Madison and Collins’ fictional girl band. 

We spoke to Alexa about her role in the magazine’s design, how the commission first came about and her favourite moments of the process. 


How did the commission come about? 

I contacted Sandra Leko in my first year of university for advice and insight into book design. At the time, I was creating a series of images inspired by Petra Collins and a book inspired by Sandra Leko’s design work. She gave me some great advice, and we kept in semi-contact until I took an intermittent year out, which is when we spoke more frequently as I was searching for opportunities. Suddenly, a few weeks before returning to uni for my final year, I received an email from Sandra asking if I’d be interested in assisting with the design and layout for Petra Collins’ new publication. I was so excited and shocked, so of course I said yes!  

Describe your role as the designer

As a designer, I initially began by creating a mock layout - sequencing images that I had received from Sandra and Petra. I placed these into an initial sequence and taking inspiration from Sandra’s previous work in Petra’s publications, I added graphics and text. This would then get sent back to Sandra, who would make the subsequent changes and give her final thoughts. We both worked on the publication simultaneously, tackling different graphic sections. Each copy was then sent to Petra, who gave the final okay or discussed areas/sequencing she’d like to adapt. This process continued until we received the final okay, and the file was then sent to the publishers - SUPERLABO in Tokyo.    

What was the most satisfying aspect of the production? 

One of the many satisfying aspects of this opportunity was being able to work with two creatives I looked up to and adored. Petra Collins is one of the main reasons I got into photography, and Sandra Leko is a huge inspiration. Through her work, I found a new love for book design and graphics - something I wish to embark on once I graduate. Through this opportunity, I learnt numerous things but most importantly, what working under a client is like, alongside new technical skills and insight into the overall publication process. Seeing the publication come together was immensely satisfying and realising that opportunities like this do come about gave me hope and newfound excitement for the future.  

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